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From : " Support"

Reply-To : " Support"

To : Dan Lavergne

Subject : Re: Link

Date : Fri, 26 Oct 2001 00:56:16 +0100

Don't put yourself down Dan. You have a great site and it's certainly heaps better than my early efforts on Tripod and Geocities back in 1997.

The falling numbers of personal websites listed on search engines because the big boys are muscling in now they've realised there's a buck to made, really p****s me off. Personal web pages like yours are a huge resource of useful information which will be lost if we don't fight to keep them. Once upon a time you could type in almost anything really obscure and find someone that had made a web page about it, making the net far more useful than any encyclopaedia. Now you get no results returned.

I list personal web sites on my Friends and Links pages but I have to admit to being a couple of months behind, hence I haven't added your goodself yet. I get a lot of requests every day for links and if I did them daily I wouldn't have time for anything else, so rightly or wrongly I do them in blocks, usually monthly but I've fallen behind recently. However, rest assured, I'll be adding a link to your excellent pages as soon as possible.

Best wishes,

Simon Hensby (aka Grey Olltwit)

Broadstairs, Kent, England