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"Ever After" Cruise 2006

Friday June 30- "Ever After" under way 0700. Winds light southeasterlies. Motorsailing. Shower squalls
seem to be all around us and finally we get a bit just after clearing Amet Island. Cap'n Voyager and
GPS communicating well. "Nuada" and "Tuesday's Child" about an hour behind us, we can see their sails quite well.
A good trip, motorsailing with jib at 6 to 6.8 knots, just enough breeze to keep the jib reasonably full.
"Wrecker's Raft" hailed us via VHF at 0930 to let us know they're on their way. (We were 14 miles out at the time.)
We're abeam of C2 at 1000. "Wrecker's Raft" catches up to us just before 1100 as were approaching Charlottetown Gut.
Patti hails Quartermaster at 1150 and we land at 1200, in the same spot we were in last year, pier 3, slip #132.
"Tuesday's Child" and "Nuada" arrived 1245. Had the obligatory celebratory beverages, signed into Quartermaster,
then John Day (and Molly) showed up and offered Patti
the use of their shower, then "Happy Hour" until 1900 or so.
The racing fleet began to arrive about 1530, they had a downwind run all the way here.
Went with Jill and Paul to Peake's Quay restaurant for supper, (which was excellent), followed by a couple of
specialty coffees while watching The Tragically Hip concert next door!
Socialized with the rest of the BHYC flotilla and turned in around 0030. A good day's sail and fun in the evening!

Miles today- 31, Accumulated miles- 31

Saturday July 1- Canada Day!- Up at 0745, made coffee and got the lights ready for the evening festivities. "Nuada" put a LOT
of work into their display, as did "Wrecker's Raft" and Bill and Gerri's powerboat "Out of the Blue". We had our 300 lights up as well!
A terrific day, sunny and warm! Went on walkabout most of the day after lights were installed.
The fireworks display was quite impressive and the second it ended, the heavens opened up and it was monsoon season!
Results of the "Light Up Your Boat" competition were- 1st- "Nuada"(3 bonus cruising points), 2nd- "Wreckers Raft"(2 bonus cruising points)
Honourable mentions- "Out of the Blue", "Ever After", "Dry Red", "Nahanni", "Seahorse", "Rapture",
"Seascape I", "Good Medicine", "Island Song II, "Water Music", "Tuesday's Child" and "Full Tilt 2", (each earning 1 bonus cruising point).
Turned in 0100, still raining!

Sunday July 2- Up at 0620, made coffee and dismantled the lights. WINDY! "Tuesday's Child", "Nuada" and "Water Music" decided to
make a run for home, all made good time, port tack most of the way. Did some "Touristy stuff" and mainly "walkabouted" the rest of the day.
ANOTHER mostly wet day! Turned in at 2300 or so.

Monday July 3- Up at 0700, made coffee while checking out the marine forecast for the day. Took the flags down and prepared "Ever After"
to make way. Talked via VHF to a few boats that decided to go, wet, choppy and wind gusts. Topped up with fuel and decided to stay another
day. Colin and Patti Topshee ("Island Song II") departed around 1400 for Wood Islands. "Dry Red" left about the same time, headed home.
Went over to Charlottetown Yacht Club to watch the start of white sail Monday night race. Patti had calamari, I had steak sandwich and a couple
of beverages each. Returned to the boat and checked out weather forecast for Tuesday, light winds, variable. Looks like we'll be able
to make a break for it early in the morning! We like it here at Quartermaster, but getting a little antsy to begin vacation!
Set alarm clock and turned in 2200.

Tuesday July 4- Up at 0330, (This is NOT a typo...) beating the alarm clock to the punch! Made coffee and listened to the marine
forecast for today, still good! Underway at 0440, motored out of the harbour, beautiful sunrise! Cleared C2 at 0630 and set course for Indian Rocks.
Hooked up GPS to Cap'n Voyager- VERY nice to have a chartplotter!
Winds pretty much calm, as was the seastate. Motorsailed east, met a LARGE motor yacht heading for Charlottetown. We passed by Wood Islands at 1020.
had a favourable current which rocketed us along at over 7 knots SOG! Patti and I took turns napping along the way,
Grace had been on watch all night, so didn't see her much after 1100.
Saw many porpoises and seals as well as seagulls looking for a free meal. Looked into Wood Islands wharf on
the way by for any sign of "Island Song II" but couldn't see them. Saw a very nice old wooden ketch making for Pictou around 1400.
Continued east to VU2 off Cape George, then made for Ballantyne's Cove, following "Great Old Broad", a 41-footer out of Chicago
which tried to anchor just outside the entrance to the marina, but couldn't get the hooks to set. We tied alongside at 1550 and "Great Old Broad"
came in about an hour later. Marina fees still the same as 2004, $10/night for vessels less than 35' and $15/night for over 35-footers.
Topped up with fuel ($1.15/litre, very reasonable!) Socialized with Don and Sally ("Great Old Broad") for awhile, they have TWO cats aboard!
Decided to stretch our legs a bit and head for the picnic table and bench up the mountain from the marina, a gorgeous view!
Took a picture of the marina and returned to "Ever After" at 1930.
"Island Song II" arrived shortly after 2000 and were very surprised to have us catch them! Colin asked increduously "What time did
you LEAVE Charlottetown anyway?" Had a celebratory beverage aboard "Island Song II" and returned to "Ever After" about 2100, and turned in.
A very looong day, but not too bad at all!

Miles today- 62, Accumulated miles- 93

Wednesday July 5- Up at 0630 and made coffee. Quite cloudy and marine weather says SE winds to 15 knots, backing to SW light
later this afternoon. Put up dodger extension just before the rain hit and listened to Kirk and Kerri-Wynne on 720 CHTN. Today's the day
they change over to Ocean 100.3 FM! Changed over at 0805, first song played... "Start Me Up"- The Rolling Stones!
Had breakfast with Colin and Patti ("Island Song II") and pretty much socialized most of the day. Winds 15-20 gusting 25 knots SE,
so decided to wait another day to depart. Forecast says SW 10-15 tomorrow.
Watched TV after supper, then turned in 2100.

Thursday July 6- Up at 0600, made coffee. Weather forecast says SW 10-15, so we're off by 0700. Motorsailed across St. Georges Bay.
Pulled jib in and yanked the lead right out of the drum! Good thing jib was completely in, or it could have been interesting!
Just before VU4, Patti saw TWO whales making circles around the boat! Locked through Canso Canal at 1100, Strait of Canso very calm!
Arrived at Lennox Passage at 1330 and motored through. Had a hard time raising the bridge operator at Lennox Bridge, had to do a few
penalty turns before he FINALLY let us through! Arrived St. Peter's Lock at 1620 and landed at St. Peter's Lion's Club Marina at 1710.
Went to MacBouch's Tavern for supper and back aboard at 2030. Watched TV for a bit and then turned in at 2200. Another looong day!
Miles today- 54, Accumulated miles- 147

Friday July 7- Up at 0630, showered and made coffee. Gave "Ever After" a much-needed bath! Went to town to obtain supplies.
In the afternoon, fixed the roller furling problem and straightened up the droopy spreaders. Patti cleaned the interior of the boat
and rearranged the icebox/cooler configuration. Gerry Gibson, St. Peters Marina manager came over later in the afternoon for a beverage
as did Greg Silver from "Misty Cat", a Nonsuch26. John Pankhurst, "Rapture" arrived early in the evening and had a beverage or two.
Was a coolish evening, with low of about 13C. Put out the "Off bug light" which works unbelievably well! Flying nasties weren't an issue
after it was deployed! John went back to "Rapture" on his mooring about 2300 and we turned in for the night shortly afterwards. A good day!

Saturday July 8- Up at 0600, showered, cleaned up "Ever After" after the festivities/socializing and went with John over to "Rapture"
to trace where his fluxgate compass was for his Autopilot. Checked for and found an alcohol system leak for his stove and traced a small
diesel fuel leak as well. Back aboard "Ever After" around noon and it got HOT! Started up the engine and made for the Big Lake,
followed out of St. Peter's Inlet. Set course for Little Harbour and after we got halfway across, the wind started to pipe up, so we
turned back and headed for Cape George Harbour for the night, arriving 1600. Had some time to kill before "Rapture" came in so cranked up
the CD player and had some munchies. MANY deerflies, Patti got bitten and began to react, so she took an antihistamine and symptoms
almost immediately subsided. Fed a beautiful seagull some nachos and John arrived around 1730. Had BBQ steaks and Greek salad for supper,
John brought over a very nice bottle of red wine and we hung out until midnight or so, then turned in. A nice day!

Miles today- 15, Accumulated miles- 162

Sunday July 9- Up at 0900! John had already been awake and coffeed, so we put coffee on and prepared to head back to St. Peter's.
Underway at 1030, "Rapture" just ahead of us under sail. We had taken quite a bit out of the house battery bank, so motored in to recharge them.
Arrived St. Peter's Marina at 1150. Tied up and gave "Ever After" a thorough cleaning inside and out. Had a celebratory beverage or two
and put the dodger extension up just in time for the rain! Basically socialized the rest of the afternoon, Colin and Patti Topshee
aboard "Island Song II" left about 1300 to head out on the Lakes. We heard them arrive at the Marina while we were in Cape George Harbour.
Hooked up the wireless internet and battery charger to top up the house bank. Greg Silver and Denise Saulnier ("Misty Cat") arrived, Denise entertained
the marina for awhile playing her fiddle! Hard to believe we have to soon start for home!

Miles today-7, Accumulated miles- 169

Monday July 10- Up at 0600, have to set sail for home. Coffee on 0610. Showered, checked marine weather, calling for light to moderate
SW building to strong SW later this afternoon. We have a weather window and we go for it! Departed St. Peter's Marina at 0900, thanking the gang
for excellent service and facilities once again! Locked through St. Peter's Canal 0930 and headed for Lennox Passage. Arrived Lennox Bridge at
1200. Hailed the bridge operator SEVEN times on Ch. 16- no response. FINALLY, after performing five or six penalty turns, he answers. (Obviously,
someone from Sydney Coast Guard radio let him know that we were waiting for a bridge lift.) "Kobe" out of Ballantyne's Cove asked for a bridge lift at 1300
but was told to anchor until 2000 because the bridge was out of service because of heat! Motored through Lennox Passage, as winds were right on the nose at
20 knots. Made the turn at C14 into Strait of Canso, heading for Strait of Canso Yacht Club and arrived at 1430. Had a beverage or two and went
to re-stock the boat. Had supper at "Papa Joe's" and it was very good! Brought a treat back for Grace. Met Roy, ("Katinka" 30' Alberg) whom we'd seen
in St. Peter's a couple of years ago and he comes aboard. A piper began playing on the boardwalk, so Patti has to go see! (Piper's name is Wally)
After he finishes his gig, comes aboard for a wee dram. Later on, Patti goes to check out the Beneteau next to us (it's a 2001) and says it is GORGEOUS!
Turned in around midnight.

Miles today- 28, Accumulated miles- 197

Tuesday July 11- Up at 0700, coffee on shortly afterward. Winds pretty much non-existent, so we get ready to head out. Checked the roller
furling, all Ok. Underway at 0830, arrived Canso Canal 0930. Locked through and motorsailed acros St. George's Bay, very light winds. Patti saw a
whale or two. Patti got out the bucket, sea water and soap and did a wash with the plunger.
Landed at Ballantyne's Cove 1400. "Oasis" (Richard & Joy), a Mirage 29 and "Sierra"(Pierre? & Carol),
a Grampian 30 from Charlottetown arrived shortly afterward.
(They'd sailed from Wood Islands, heading for the Bras d'Or's) "Whisperwood"(Lloyd & Donna) a 41' vessel
out of Summerside arrived and we had a celebratory beverage
Was HOT! Took a tour down to the beach to cool off later in the evening. At low tide, watched sea creatures on the bottom in the marina!
Turned in around 2300. VERY muggy evening!

Miles today- 26, Accumulated miles- 223

Wednesday July 12- Up at 0700, coffee on at 0703! Winds supposed to be light NW. Under way at 1100. Make the turn around VU2 at Cape George
and we're in 5-6 foot seas! We've a tug towing a barge off to starboard and we pull half the jib out to settle the boat down. We make three or
four short tacks to clear the Cape and the tug. Seastate began to calm down around Arisaig and winds shifted to NW 5-10. Reached Pictou Fairway
buoy at 1900 and entered Pictou Harbour. Saw the end of the Wednesday night white-sail race and arrived Hector Heritage Quay Marina at 2000.
Claude and Bernie Loveless "Peregrine" is berthed here, former BHYC members. Was a long day, sailed 52 miles to make 39!

Miles today- 52, Accumulated miles- 275

Thursday July 13- Up at 0700, coffee on and watching Breakfast Television. Heavy rainfall warning for all of Nova Scotia today.
(30-50 mm, about 1 to 2 inches!) Went to the bank, then off to Home Hardware, Sobey's and Liquor Store for supplies. Fixed the roller furling
-again... and waited for Jill and Paul to show up for supper. Went to Salt Water Café. While we were having supper, two LARGE vessels docked just
ahead of us on the breakwater. ("Grab a Chance", a 45' catamaran out of Florida and "Main Machine III", a 46' Sea Ray from Richibucto.)
Al and Alta Fraser ("Deliverance") came aboard for awhile, then they left to visit "Grab a Chance". Terry and Arnold "Main Machine III" stopped
by about 2200 after they had supper for a beverage and socialize for about an hour or so. Turned in at midnight.

Friday July 14- Up at 0600, "Main Machine III" left, heading for home. Put coffee on and checked out the marine weather update at 1000
Winds forecast to be light and variable today and tomorrow, so we decide to head for home. Underway at 1050. While we're sailing out of Pictou Harbour
"Bluenose II" sails in! Patti grabs the camera and takes a few photos. Top up fuel tanks at Pictou Marina and we're on our way. Try to motorsail,
but windex going around in circles. Clear Cape John at 1600, fighting against tide and current. Arrive home at 1715 and have a celebratory "Tot".
We're home safe and sound, but sad that holidays are over.

Miles today- 37, Accumulated miles- 312