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Lyzze's Page


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Ohh what a joy. This is Lyzze's Page version 2 thanks to some asswipe that decided to erase my previous one. i hope you die. For the most part, i did this during Mr.dolls class today while i was doing "history". Anyway, sorry its not very good right now, i'll make this one better! JASON IS THE HOTTEST MAN ALIVE!!!!!! and james who don't talk to me cause he goes to TJ for Science and Monkies. Whatever dude. JEFFREY IS A MONKEY!! I love you andrea and elizabeth- you are my best friends in the entire world, i don't what i'd do without you. All the rest of the penguins....Kate, Tal, Claire, I LOVE JOE COOKIE, Deanna, Bill, Alexandra, Spence, Katie, Andy, Charles, Ben Nelson Mary Sue Ellen, Rose, Rachyl, Andrew, Nick, Dave,...i think that's it...if not...e-mail me and i'll put you here.

So I love Yorktown Sports....when i say that i mean NOT AT ALL. As much as I love crew, Its a cult and it takes up to much time. so i've decided to not do it this year but i might come back for my senior year. But Speaking of other sports and rude coaches...Swimming. That letter from our coach was rather..actually extremely rude and uncalled for. good way to motivate us...stop bashing us and do your job!

YHS Varsity 4

So here's the story of my life. I live in nowhereville Arlington with my brother Chris (he's 17), and my mom and dad. I got 2 cats....btw...anyone who would like to donate a cat to the lyzze fund, feel free. and a wierdo dog. Ima spoiled little azn who has gotten everything she ever could imagine and im not happy. Im a junior at yorktown. It really sucks.I play clarinet and dive..maybe not. I would really like to go to college on the west coast despite my parents. I kinda would like to go to University of Arizona at Tuscon. My 2 best friends are andrea and liz. liz is my twin. she's blonde and im asian, makes for a wonderful match. Andrea is like my sister, she is always there for me no matter what happens and we've done some pretty wack stuff together.During the summer I was a lifeguard at Chesterbrook...that was fun. We got paid for 7 hours to do like 4 hours of actual work. I strongly suggest you look into that.

Crew used to be awsome. This is from last spring at nationals I think. Im the CoxWain and Andrea is the stroke. Those were some fun times. So how was everyone's CHristmas?! I got a computer. Very cool indeed. I went to arizona to visit re-la-tivez. Don't buy Fords! im serious! FOrds=ghetto=bad=backwindshields shatter on your head=you pay more=THEY SUCK. and don't fly on christmas day using delta either. that was a disaster. Anyway, music is my life so anyone has some cool shit, feel free to e-mail it to me. I would love it.

Page 2

YHS Varsity 4

  • There are people who say what you wanna hear, even on a rainly day they'll tell you the sky is clear
  • Let's Go Adventuring!!
  • I Love Asians
  • Asian=antartic penguin from hawaii with ice cream
  • Im suppose to marry rob when im 25
  • white hybrid asians are HOT!
  • Korean music is cool
  • Napster is god
  • blue and black don't match
  • people in general suck
  • all you want is a beauty queen, not a superstar but everybody's dream machien
  • I hate the world today.It's so good to me I know but I can't change. I tried to tell you but you look at me like maybe im an angel underneath, innocent and sweet.
  • Mr.Doll is the coolest teacher ever
  • you swing from vines and eat banannas
  • Calvin will probably have trouble getting dates when he's older
  • but there's no one the who can tell us what we went here for, funny in a certain light how we all look the same
  • Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, screaming inside when you cannot be heard
  • What would an angel say the devil wants to know.
  • I got my feet on the ground but I don't go to sleep to dream. you got your head the the clouds but you aren't at all what you seem.This mind, this body, this voice cannot be stifled by your deviant ways so don't forget what I told you, don't come around, I got my own hell to raise.
  • Hello time bomb, im ready to go off.
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