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Our Gold Camp Thoughts

I liked having the ability to do whatever we wanted with our group. I also enjoyed that we all had one big campfire and could do something with another group if we wanted that. If I personally did my gold camp again, I would try to possibly do more crafts, as the girls seemed to enjoy them, although all for all I believe everything went over quite well. My advice to future Gold Camp Pathfinders: Be prepared. Although you have the opportunity to do things your way, you are still taking girls which are primarily under your care camping. I believe your main concern should be "what can I do to make them happy!"

As for me, I enjoyed just sitting with my friends down by the water and listening to music..I think the Saturday campfire went quite well also. If I were to redo my gold camp, I think I would have got a better cooler for my stuff. All the ice melted and got some of my food wet... YUK. My advice to future Gold Camp Pathfinders: is to get all your paper work in early and stay ahead of everyone! It will pay off in the end. I had a pretty good time at camp... It will probably be the last time I will camp with everyone there.. so I had a good time.. I'll miss all the other Pathfinders.

The things that I liked about my Gold Camp were the girls in my tent. They were really good campers. They were cooperative and easy to handle. I also liked the campsite. I'm glad we went back there again. If I were to change anything about my Gold Camp, it would probably be nothing. I think that the weekend went great (for a weekend at camp). My advice to future Gold Camp Pathfinders: is to definitely be "PREPARED" that's a must. And also to manage your time when you are preparing for it because it is a lot of work. And when you are at camp to get all of your Pathfinder duties done and then just relax. GOLD CAMP RULED!!!!!!

Highlights: the food, the hike, the bathrooms, and being with my friends! If I could change something, I would be more organized with things. My advice to future Gold Camp Pathfinders: Plan very carefully and don't forget anything, even if you don't really think that it's important, you'll need it!

I most enjoyed the closeness of my tent group. They all got along great and to my knowledge enjoyed the camp very much.  The craft was a big success and our manicure and facials were scary but still fun. I'm glad it turned out well and I'm proud of myself for achieving my goal which is "all 2 suvive" hahaha. I would probably change our resting time and make it shorter and more activities, but the rest was GREAT. My advice to future Gold Camp Pathfinders: HAVE FUN. Don't worry about what kind of choc. chips you bring - get out there and have fun. This is really the only weekend that you don't have LEADER rules. I'm glad I didn't decide to give up. It was a great experience and a great opportunity.
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