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Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is defined as a deficit “in information processing of audible signals not attributed to impaired hearing sensitivity or intellectual impairment” (Roeser & Downs, 1995, p.101). Prevalence data for CAPD is sparse, especially for children, but in Chermak, Hall & Musiek (1999) they cited Chermak and Musiek (1997) as saying it is estimated that CAPD occurs in 2-3 percent of children, with a 2:1 ratio of boys and girls (p.290).

CAPD Modifications, Treatment Strategies

Kiddos with CAPD and articulation disorders may need a lot of work with phonemic awareness skills. Here are a list of suggestions:

  • Place cups in front of the child with the target phonemes written on each. When you say a word or "silly syllable," the child must toss a bean into the cup for which s/he hears the phoneme.
  • Use minimal pairs to teach the child the difference a sound makes! Minimal pairs are two words that differ by only one phoneme (i.e. fat and sat, light and white, sight and tight).
  • Tap or clap out syllables.
  • Count the sounds in a word. For example, "sat" has 3 sounds, "make" has 3, "two" has 2.
  • Rhyming is a great phonemic awareness skill. Name or even draw things that rhyme with ________.
Modifications for the Classroom & Home

Common Symptoms:
  • Easily distracted by background noise.
  • Doesn't follow oral directions well, especially if they are complex and have to be carried out some time later.
  • Has problems recalling names, dates, times, and other information.
  • Has poor memory for numbers, letters, words, and other information that is heard.
  • Has difficulty with directions, especially if they are complex, lengthy, presented in a noisy background or to be carried out some time later.
  • Asks for statements to be repeated.
  • Is slow to respond to questions or directions.
  • Gives inappropriate answers to simple questions.
  • Has difficulty interpreting abstract information.
  • Has poor musical abilities.
  • Is slow to respond to questions or directions.
  • Has difficulty with verbal math problems.
  • Shows unusual reaction to sudden or loud sounds.
  • Has difficulty identifying the source or location of a sound.
  • Is easily distracted by noises.
  • Performs better in one-to-one settings (Kelly, D.A., 1995).

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