ShyLynn's Home Page
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*~ShyLynn's Home Page~*

A little bit of Me

Hello Everyone! This is my homepage that way everyone knows a little bit more about me. I just want to start this first off letting you know that I had my wonderful web page built and designed by my one and only sister in law Ruthie Poopie! I will tell you more about her below. As of right now I live in the state of Alaska. I’ve lived here for about three years now. My husband is in the military and this is where they stationed us. We are moving back to New Mexico real soon. I can’t wait! My family consists of my husband, my beautiful baby boy who is seven months old, and of course my three kitty’s. My son Tristin was born in July and I can’t tell you how much he has changed my life. He is a doll. My cats would be; Feliex, Mookey and our newest baby Bubba! “Pictures Below!” Back to me… I’m into almost everything that has to do with the out doors. I love spending my time hunting, camping, fishing, hiking, and barrel racing. I’ve tried a lot of other things and loved them too. Have you ever heard of Gas Gas? Sounds funny I know but it’s a dirt bike and you do tricks on rocks while racing. Pretty sweet if you ask me and I loved it. My big thing is ridding I must say. I love horses and I love spending time outside so it works out great for me. I’m from New Mexico what else can I say! I love spending time with friends and if I’m around a beach believe me I’d be surfing the waves. Although since I’ve been up here in Alaska I haven’t had much chance to do anything. A lot of cracked out people up here. Are you planning a vacation? Ever thought of coming to Alaska? “Well from person to person change your air lines and go the other direction!” You’re not missing a thing. I can honestly say this and honestly say that this place is a joke. There has to be something in the air to make these people nutty! I’ve been to a lot of other places in my time that I really enjoyed and would love to see again. I was born in Italy and I can say this “This place is the PLACE to see!” Never have I seen a place as beautiful as Italy and so many wonderful people. Well enough about that shall we move on?

A little bit of Family

Family…Well there is so much to tell but not enough time to say it all. So shall we make it brief? I have a wonderful family! Nothing else to say and there you have it!
Jk do you really think that’s all that I would say? Not little ol kitten! I have family all over. The most important ones are close to my heart and always will be. Mom, Dad, and Cristachio! The newest member of my family that has my heart would have to be the maker of my web page. Mrs. Ruthie Poopie! Why Ruthie Poopie you might ask? Why not? It just stuck. She married my brother not to long ago but if I could pick a sister it would have to be her. She has been my friend even when times where hard. So she is more then family to me. When my brother was stationed in Iraq; mind you he is a Marine! Anyway, I would imagine that is when we grew together with our long conversions, chats, and playing games. Wanna know more about Ruthie? Look below! The rest of my family is just so wonderful. My cousin had a son right before mine Mr. Tyler who is turning one pretty soon. Next?

A little bit of Friends

A lot of friends! Goodness graces great balls of fire. Where or where shall I start? How about Kim? Kimmy my friend that lives in Arizona. She had a baby girl about a year ago. Ali. I’ve known Kim since I was in sixth grade. I don’t think we liked each other much at first but then we grew closer and closer. She is now married to our man Mikey! Mike is one of my husband’s closest friends. They have known each other for like the longest time. Can’t wait to see you guys again. Kiss kiss. Calissa; I’ve known this girl every since we were in dippers. Cool Chica! She has a baby boy and married. Amber and Alycia; another two cool girl’s! Brandy who is getting married here soon and I will be her maid of honor as she was mine. Getting married to a great guy Mr. Matt! O’ Renate. This girl is one of my favorites. Met in New Mexico in ROTC where we did so much and had so much fun! I will never forget the days. Coming back home GIRLY!!! Can’t wait to see ya shimeia! ShaRhea; another bud. Her kido is over a year old too. Let’s see who else? Elliot, Yesina, Cindy, Phillip, Dan the man if he can’t do it no one can! Of course Ruth! My other Brandy, Crystal and the rest of you. Kill me later my hand is getting tired of typing.

A little bit of What's New

What isn’t new? So tell me Ruth what is new? Jk Of course I just got a new kitty. Bubba! He is named after a cat that I had a while back. He was my baby but he ran away. Um we are driving back home so we will go threw A LOT of states. On our way threw Canada we will see a whole bunch of NOTHING! Isn’t that funny? It should take us about ten days to get to New Mexico. Not to long ago our dear friend Nancy died! God Bless you. My cutey baby boy Tristin just started to crawl and can go from his belly to a sitting position. Real soon Ruthie will have another baby kitty for the one they have now. Poor kitty needs a friend to play with. “Wink Wink!” Well that’s about that with News. Else?

I really don’t know what else there is to say? What else is there to say? Wanna know some funny stuff about Alaska? O kay I’ll give you a little bit. Ever seen a bar on every corner of town? “I have!” Ever seen someone so drunk they fall into the river? “I have!” Ever known a landlord that would charge you $50 bucks to clean door knobs? “I have!” Ever known (another landlord) that would bite your spouses neck while shity ass drunk? “Holly Cow, well I have!” Ever known someone so board they would take a crap and throw it on your neighbors car? “Hmm. I have!” Every seen outlets everywhere you go ‘cause you have to plug up your car? “What? Plug up what?” Ever seen a moose that was ten feet tall? How about a bag of pot on the ground coming back home? How about a guy (man) who’s favorite movie is the Lion King? Wanna know more about the state of Alaska? Well buzz me sometime and I shall share my wonderful Alaskan stories with you!


If you would like to get a hold of me please send me an offline message to either of my messengers; yahoo or aol. ID name shylynnkitten!

Are you a DIRTY OLD MAN!!!!?

Get a clue! How about a lotion bottle and a magazine? Cyber sex isn’t real and I’m not into it. So please BUG OFF. Here is a number 1-800-GET-ALIFE!

ShyLynn's Crazy Feature

Be careful what you name your kid!
A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children.
"You all have obsessions," he observed.
To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy."
He turned to the second Mom, Ann, "Your obsession is with money.” Again it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."
He turns to the third Mom, Joyce, "Your obsession is alcohol.” This too manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy."
At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, gets up, takes her little boy by the hand and whispers......"Come on, Dick, we're leaving."

Picture Links

My Husband and My Baby
My Brother and His Wife
My Parents
My Friends and My Pets
My Tribute Page
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