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Hey! Heres Some Quotez Enjoy!

*Basketball is a game that gives you every chance to be great, and puts every pressure on you to prove that you haven't got what it takes. It never takes away the chance, and it never eases up on the pressure*

*SiNg W mE sInG 4 tHe YrS sInG 4 tHe LaUgHtEr&SiNg 4 ThE tEaRs SiNg W mE iF iTs JuSt 4 2DaY mAyB 2mOrRoW tHe GoOd LoRd WiLl TaKe U aWaY

"u don't no wat u do wen u look at me that way. u don't no how my heart breaks everytime u say my name. u dont c all the tears that i cry in the dark.u dont no how it feels to b the one who loves the most u don't no how it feels (u might think u do but u don't)

"I'M tHrOuGh WiT gUyS,tHeY aLl TeLl LiEs,BrEaK uR hEaRt N mAkE u CrY,LuViN gUyS iS suCh A sIn HeY cHeCk DaT gUy WhO jUs WaLkEd In.

"I SmIlE BeCaUsE I hAvE No IdEa WhAt Is GoInG oN!*~

dOnT HAte donT HAtE YaLl doNt kNow me yA JuST jElLIoUsE,

iF Ya tHink im A bItCh wAiT tIll Ya meEt MeE:)

"You think ur a playa and that u broke my heart but i knew ur game rite from the start, i saw ur game and played it 2so laugh stupid playa...hahaha....the jokes on u"!

"all guys r players dats a fact dont fall in love just play em back"

i neva meant 2 hurt u but u're pretty when u cry i neva really loved u but im pretty when i lie"

i'm loved by sum hated by many envied by most n wanted by plenty!!"

If one day you feel like crying Call me I don't promize I will make you laugh,But I can cry with you.If one day you want to run away-Don't be afraid to call me.I don't promise to ask you to stop...But I can run with you.If one day you don't want to listen to anyone...Call me.I promise to be there for you.And I promise to be very quiet.But if one day you call...And there is no answer...Come fast to see me. Maybe I need you.!

ppl walk in n out of ur life,each of them mean somethin to u in some way or another n they make some kind of impact on ur life, no matter who they are!

*tO aLL yOu gIrLz wHo TaLk sHiT oN uS dOnT gEt PisSeD wEn yOu gEt dIsSeD cAuSe uR jUsT aNoThEr BiTcH oN oUr sHiT LiSt!*

LoOk aT uS..tHeN LoOk aT yOu....nOw TeLL uS..wHo eNvYs wHo..

*tO bE iTaLiAn iS tO bE LovEd bY sUm hAtEd By mAnY.rEsPeCtEd bY aLL.bUt jOcKeD bY pLeNtY.*

HoT iN sExY cUtE aS cAn B eVeN jA rUlE cOuLdNt PuT iT oN mE!*

*Prove 2 Me That Ur LOvE Is True... *Say U LoVe Me N Hold My Hand... *Tell Me That U'll always B My Man

*You Can Think Ur Prettier than Me..Its Okay to Lie to Yourself Everyonce in awhile!!*

**~Boys say ur ugly boys say ur dirt, boys say all these things and expect them not to hurt, so next time u say it remember how we u it may be a joke but to us its a big deal!~**

*I'm NoT sHy, I jUsT dOn'T lIkE yOu*

Party hardy, friends 4ever, dance al night, we'll be 2gether,girls liek guyz, dudes liek chicks,- HAY- WE'RE THE CLASS OF 2006

*Never give up if u still wanna try* *Never wipe your tears if u still wanna cry* *Never settle for the answer if u still wanna know* *Never say u don't like him if u can't let him go*

~1 day u luv me,then u don't,Then when u finnaly do, then I won't.~

When all else fails, look cute

I CrY fOr YoU aT nIgHt, I nO uR Mr. RiGhT, I sEaRcH fOr YoU iN dReAmS, AnD I dOn'T kNow WhAt YoU tHiNk BoUt Me, BuT iM bEtTeR tHaN i SeEm!

*All you girls think you're tough... Well all your stuff ain't that rough. You think you know the deal... But it's me & my girls who be keepin it real*

Beauty is skin deep, but attitude is to the bone

I cry everynite wishing u were mine, but when i talk to you, you make everything fine, You broke my heart and thats a true crime, All I wanted was for you to make time!!

Girls are better than boys We all know it Boys try to hard But they still don't show it

^ tO aLL tHe gUrLz tHaT cAnT CoMpArE^^nO oNe SaiD LyFe wUz fAiR^

*SoMeDaY YoU WiLl Be SoRrY, SoMeDaY WhEn YoU'rE FrEe, MeMoRiEs WiLl ReMiNd YoU, ThAt U CoOd Ov BeEn WiTh Me*

sweet as candy hotter then fire im describing the boy that i admire

In life, only one person gets to shine, so move outta my way, you're blocking my light!

*~* LiFe Is ShOrT. aNd So Am I *~*

WeN i WaS yOuNgEr i pLaYeD wiT tOyZ...nOw DaT iM oLdEr i GoT mA bOyZ

First a Fire, Then a Flame; I'm a Chick No Man Can Tame

I heard there was a fire in your heart I guess it soaked through your skin because you are so damn hott

..CaNcel My Subscrptions....I'M oVeR uR iSsUeS..

*Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties*

..*Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You*..

When in doubt, throw him out!

The phone goes greeen greeen, so i pink it up and i say yellow you there? Orange you a lil shy to answer??

*i have u in my heart~!** i have u in my liver~!* *if i had u in my arms i'd throw u in da river*

A MeMoRy LastZ 4ever, NeveR doeS it dIe, TrUe FrieNdZ sTay 2geTheR *N* NeVer Say GoodBye

your like a trafic ticket, uve got F-I-N-E writtin all over u!

Your jealousy is my energy, ever wonder why I am so hyper?

sum guyz are like gum, they loze their flava. othas are like ice cream, you save'm for lata

u told me u loved me but u lied u told me u'd be there and then i cried

Cry me a river bulid me a bridge and get over it!

I love you but I'm not in love with you

How many hot, rich, funny, sweet guys are there out there?......two, but they're dating each other!

You say you hate me,And i know that it is true, But why cant i stop thinking of

I was born to please, and taught to TEASE*~

Me aNd My gUrLz dOnT gOtTa MaCk LiKe a HoE wE JuSt SiT BaCk N aTtRaCt tHe gUyS LiKe WhOa*~

Treat me good cuz im the hottest, get down on your knees baby im a godess*~

BiTcHeS LiKe mE LiVe LiKe QuEeNs, sLuTs LiKe yOu LiVe On uR kNeEs!*~

Immature love says:I love you because I need you. Mature love says:I need you because I love you.*~

You dont love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.*~

OnlY REgRet tHe ThinGs You DiDnt do anD leArn FroM The ThingS U Did.*~

It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all...*~

SaY iT To My FaCe B*TcH Not BeHiNd My BaCk CuZ If YoU LiKe tAlKiN Sh*t YoUr GoNnA GeT SmAcKeD..*~

The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.*~

PpL HaTe Us & RaTe Us SiMpLy CuZ ThEy AiNt Us~!!