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This web site provides information on my recent projects. Some visitors might find them interesting. All of these projects fulfill some kind of a need which was not satisfied before. Also note how simple and inexpensive my solutions to the problems are. Some visitors of this web site might become interested in the manufacturing of my products.
I started my engineering career in 1980 after graduating from Moscow Aviation University with MS in mechanical design for helicopters. I joined a company which designed combat helicopters. At that time, the company started working on a helicopter which is, 25 years later, still very unique. As of today, no other combat helicopter in the world has a one person as a crew and is equipped with an ejection seat. Two coaxial rotors and the absence of the tail rotor, shaft and gearboxes to it, and the supports for all those heavy elements, provide exceptional maneuverability.
The point is that I spent six years in the university, which provided good education for me, and I went through a worldwide known company, which provided good practice in mechanical design.


Many years have passed, I have changed countries and I do not participate in designing helicopters anymore. What never changed, however, was my desire to design things that solve problems people experience in their lives. My love of simplicity created a somewhat untraditional approach to designing in me. People with more traditional approaches sometimes do not believe that my simple idea would work until I show them a working prototype. Here is the latest example. Examiners from the US Patent Office could not believe that a vibrating check valve with an attached tube pumps water up. In the official correspondence to me they indicated that the apparatus, where I was using a check valve for pumping, was "inoperative”. I sent them a video demonstrating how water rises to the 6-foot height in three seconds. I also send them a video of a working apparatus.
Some people might think that a two-part automatic toilet seat lifter is not possible. I designed and built it.
If you are in a technical field of some kind, you know how expensive parts and components are. Do you think it is impossible to create an automatic system for an industrial application, which cost $130? I designed and built that first place award winning system.


Here are some of my recent projects. Click on the picture/text in order to get more information on the product.


Magnetically Levitated Sleep System


Automatic Grease Removal System




Automatic Toilet Seat Lifter


Barcode Scanning Machine


Pump Against Plant Overwatering


Exercise Machine


Solar Powered Cooling System


Snorkel Equipment Alternative