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Mom Worth's Happy Home
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Please take this moment to pray for our Leaders and Military men and women who strive to protect our security and freedom

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Hello and Welcome to my humble little corner of the web. I hope you will enjoy your visit and will decide to return again soon.

My pages are all family friendly divided into ten sections for your convenience. I hope you will visit them all and find joy peace and pleasure in each one.

Before entering my pages let me tell you a little about myself. That is if you are willing to lend an ear :). I am a proud Grandma and Mom. I love my family very much. I am happily married to my very best friend who I love and respect and he shows me the same love and respect in return.

For the most part of my life I have cared for and raised children. Since 1970 I have worked with children through the "Medical Field" "Home Day Care" and "Pre-School & Head Start". I had my own Pre-School for 5 years but had to give it up due to high over head. What a bummer :( for I miss it very much. After I foreclosed on my Pre-School I took up "Home Day Care". Which I enjoyed tremendously. At home I was able give the children a more "home" environment. We were just one big happy family.

Unfortuntely I had to give this up as well. Too many of my parents were layed off from work at the same time. Some had to seek employment out of town. Which left me seeking employment else where. I took a job working with geriatrics (elderly). I also like working with seniour citizens. But my heart is with the children. I am still seeking employment with children. As soon as the right opportunity arrives, I'm going for it.

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August 7, 2001

Good news. I just landed the job I have been seeking. Thank our wonderful Lord He has answered
another prayer for me and all my friends praying with me on this matter. The Lord has granted me a job with Head Start. This makes me so happy to be back working a job I truly love and enjoy.

Thank You Lord. I give all the credit, honor and glory to You and Your precious Son Jesus. Hallelujah and Amen.

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Most generally I like all people. I have a lot of respect for people that are honest and loyal. If I ask for an opinion, I expect an honest one, and vice versa, if you don't want my honest opinion, then it's best you don't ask,lol.

I also appreciate people that are dependable. And for people that has respect for life of human, animal and our beautiful earth.

Most of all I have highest admiration and respect for people that has love and respect for all children of all ages.

I don't like to hear of or see child abuse in any way shape or form.

I don't like to see a child cry in pain, hunger or frustration. When a child cries, I cry with them.

I do like working with children. Working with children has such awesome rewards and I feel so blessed.

Most of all and above anything I love my Lord and Saviour. He comes first. I thank Him every day for sending His precious Son Jesus to this earth who gave His own Life and shed His own Blood so we may have eternal life.

Our Lord loved us enough to create us in His own image. There for, I do not condone prejudice against another man. I also do my very best to avoid gossip. Gossip can hurt. Hurt is painful and I don't like pain for me or my friends. I don't like any form of violence and I HATE war.

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If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children

~Mohamad K. Gandhi~


A child does not question the wrongs of grown ups, he suffers them

~Dan George~

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This tear drop

is a symbol of my support for abused children around the world and for those who fight for their rights.

If you would like to show your support, please click on to the tear drop.

Click this "Amber Alert" Banner for the most recent up to date information on missing or abducted chidren.

~The Least Of These~

This is the title to a very touching true story, poem and important information regarding "Child Abuse." I would like to share this poem with you. After reading the poem be sure to read all the important information this web page contains.

This touching poem has been added to my pages with special permission from the very talented author:
Glen Pysell.

Of course don't forget about our visit, just tap your "BACK" key to return to Mom Worth's we can pick up where we left off when you get back.


Dear Lord, We ask that you send your Guardian Angels to watch over our precious children you have placed upon this earth as a loving gift for mankind. Protect them and keep them safe from all harm. We pray for world peace and to rid the earth of all violence so our children through out the world can live safely, securely and happy productive lives. We ask this our Lord in the name of your precious Son Jesus, our Redeemer and Saviour. Amen

And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,
believing, ye shall receive ...Matthew 21:22

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I guess you have heard enough about me. My goodness I about talked your ear off.

How about if we turn the page and you can walk through the rest of my pages

Before you leave I would be most honored if you would please sign my guest book. Located at the bottom of each of my pages. I will be more than happy to return your favor. Thank you so very much :)