Beautiful and Squirt

Cute/Funny Antecdotes ... These are some of my favorite memories of Alanna ("Beautiful") and Susan ("Squirt")
Susan was around 2 years old, the phone rang and I came into the hall and asked my mom (who was in the kitchen) if t was for me. Susan, in the room with me, looked up and said "Not to my knowledge, perhaps you should ask your dran-ma" (she called my mom my dran-ma) lol ... sassy? just a little? lol
Alanna came running in the house one day saying "it's a 'menergessy! call 9-1-1-!!" (they had been talking about 911 at school) ... I asked what was wrong ... she said "He's is STUCK!" ... we went outside to find the cat, hiding behind the doghouse lol ...
When Susan was in kindergarten, she was telling me about learning the letter "A" in school ... "The teacher said that A has two sounds 'ay' and 'a' [like cat] ... but Alanna's name has a's that say 'uh' and 'ah' so A has to have four sounds ... my teacher must be stupid!" Alanna responded to this (in such a snobby voice lol) by saying "Susan, they can't teach you EVERYTHING in kindergarten ... you have to wait till the SECOND GRADE to learn all the sounds (Alanna was in 2nd grade when this happened)

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