Buffy and Faith
The Vampire Slayers

Hi! We are Buffy and Faith Mays. Since Precious and Tender had their own webpage, we wanted to make one too. When our mommy and daddy moved into their new house, our grandmommy wouldn't let them take Precious and Tender with them, so mommy just had to get new dogs. Especially with daddy traveling. So they went to the animal shelter and adopted us in October of 2003. We were both about a year old. Everybody thinks that Buffy is part shepherd and maybe part border collie and that Faith is mostly lab with maybe some pit bull. We are both spoiled, we are very thankful that we came to live with our mommy! Life is great here! We have a birdy sister, Soleil, and two piggy sisters. We don't pay much attention to the guinea pigs, but we love Soleil. She likes to ride on Buffy's back sometimes.

Mommy has more pictures of us and our sisters here Well, that's our page - you can go to our sister Soleil's page by clicking on her picture. Or go back to mommy's pet index by clicking on Precious and Tender! Or go to mommy's page by clicking Here!