Precious and Tender Hiya!! I'm Precious and that (below) is my sister Tender. Mommy is helping me write this page because my sister is very shy.

**UPDATE** Mommy got married to Daddy Chris and now they live in Loganville with our sister/cousins Buffy and Faith. We stayed with Grandmommy and Granddaddy because we were used to living in that house. Mommy comes to see us a lot though!
Our mommy lived in Athens in an apartment and was going to school at UGA. She and her roommate decided that they wanted a cat and they were going to name it something that kindof described both of them. They were both tenderhearted, so they decided on Tender. Then a little boy in mommy's Sunday School class came in one Sunday and told mommy that his dog had puppies. So mommy and Jennifer decided to get a puppy. Mommy and gan-mommy are always partial to the runt, so they decided before they went that they would get the runt. So mommy was holding Tender and a little tub of cuteness waddled up to her (that was me!) and started grunting. Mommy looked down and said "Oh, how precious!" and I got to go home with them too! When we were puppies, we lived with mommy and Jennifer in their apartment. Weren't we cute??

The one with the ball is me :-) In the ones of both of us together, Tender is the darker one.

We LOVED to be together and were always laying on top of each other lol. Mommy thought we were too adorable. We also loved to play - one of us would get on the sofa or on a chair, the other would paw at the one up top (there's a picture of us doing that). We also loved (and still love!) to one of us get outside the doggy door and the other inside and then we stick our heads through and bark ... we're silly!

That's Tender and her baby. Mommy bought us each a pink stuffed squeak toy the day we went to live with her. I chewed mine up within a week and it was gone. Tender STILL has hers! She doesn't go anywhere without it. She takes it outside, she lays it next to the bowl when she eats, she takes it to bed. When anybody comes home, she goes to mommy's bed and holds the baby in her mouth and whines. She won't stop until they go back to the room and not only love her but love the baby too. She's very skittish and doesn't like most people ... I don't know why, we've been together all of our life and no one has ever hurt us! But she is very shy. She loves to cuddle with mommy and gan-mommy and gan-daddy though!

When mommy had to take some time off of school, she moved back home with her mom and dad (our gan-mommy and gan-daddy) and our Aunt Muffin and Uncle Kit. We both got to go because Jennifer decided she didn't want us, and mommy thought it was better that we stay together anyway. We're very glad we live with them, we love them all a lot.

For a while I had something wrong with my nose and eyes, they hurt really bad and my nose was pink and raw and peeling and my eyes had pink spots around them too. The vet doesn't know what was wrong - he did a biopsy and sent it to lots of places but they couldn't figure it out. There were a few things that they thought it could be that were serious (like Lupus!) but they decided to try just putting sunscreen on my nose and giving me vitamin E. And it worked!

We love for our Uncle Kit to wash our faces for us ... and we aren't subtle when we want him to! We will lay down in front of him and put our face right up to his until he starts licking! But he doesn't mind.

My favorite part about my house is that I have my own chair! I'm so special that all of the humans will get up out of my recliner when I come into the room if I look at them the right way! It's great to have control over them! Mommy says that gan-mommy and gan-daddy spoil me and Tender, but I don't mind! Sometimes I will look at them and they say "Oh, what a rough life you have, look at those eyes". But I don't think I have a rough life at all! (mommy says they are being sar-cas-tic, whatever that means) Me and Tender still like to be together, but we don't always sleep together. When mommy is home, Tender usually sleeps with her and I sleep with gan-daddy. But sometimes I sleep with mommy too. Then mommy doesn't have ANY room hehe. I also love to "help" my gan-mommy cook. I sit and look up at her, and I think if I look pitiful enough she'll give me something, but she usually doesn't. So I just watch. Oh! One more thing, sometimes our human's call us Preshy-poo and Bender-bear.

Update: Mommy is getting married to Daddy Chris and she moved out. Gan-mommy and gan-daddy think that we are already too used to living at our house so they won't let us go live with mommy. We miss her and she misses us a whole whole lot. We still get to see her a lot though. She got us two new sisters, Buffy and Faith, that live at her new house. They come to play with us sometimes and we've even been to visit them a couple of times. We aren't too sure about them, they're babies and they sure do like to play a lot - they haven't learned the fine art of laying down and resting. But they seem OK.

Well, that's our page - you can go to our new sisters' (Buffy and Faith) page or our sister Soleil's page by clicking on their picture. Or go back to mommy's pet index by clicking on our picture! Or go to mommy's page by clicking Here!

Alley's Ring of Totally Spoiled Dogs