
This is Muffin
This was her Favorite position to lay in, especially when she wanted lots of love (which was always! She loved to have her belly rubbed). She was part Husky and part Shepherd and the sweetest dog you would have ever met. This was her webpage but she died from cancer in September so I wanted to leave it up in tribute to her

She loved water ... She liked to swim - Usually she just got in at the steps and make a little lap and get out, sometimes she'd swim farther. As she got older and sicker, she got to where she would just lie down on the steps. She had a baby pool, too, that she would lie in when she got hot. When she was younger, she liked to play in the hose that drains the pool pump (that's what she's doing in the picture below).

Those people in the pool with her are my daddy and me. This was the only time I think that she actually got in the deep end!

This is me with my sissy. She loved me a lot. When I would come home from school she hardly ever left my side! She always climbed in my lap when I was crying or sad and kissed me and tried to make me happy. She also always LOVED any guy I was dating. She would jump on the sofa between me and a boy and paw at the guy to get him to pet her until she felt she had been loved enough, then she'd lay down and put her head on his leg.
Usually she liked to sleep with me in my bed but when she got old and it was hard for her to jump up there, and plus my other two babies, her neices, Precious and Tender sleep there a lot and they liked to lick her face and try to play with her when she was ready to sleep and it bothered her. So she usually slept on her bed on the floor next to my bed.

This was her favorite spot to lay if someone left the blinds up enough where she could see out. She loved to lay at the window and look outside. She only barked at the UPS truck usually, sometimes at people.

When I brought Precious and Tender home at first, they were little babies - and she LOVED babies!! Human or dog or any kind. So she took care of them and let them play with her and try to stick their heads in her mouth (they liked to do that to her). She loved her brother, Kit, too. And of course she loved her mommy and daddy!

When I got Soleil, just a few months before Muffin died, she loved her too. She sat next to her cage and protected her and would put her nose up to the cage and give the birdy kisses.

Above is Muffin and her brother, Mowzers. Below is her and Precious when I made them wear birthday hats for Blaine's birthday party. But they got some cake and ice cream so it was worth it!

This is the day before she died ... she looks very skinny and pitiful here :-(

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To go to Mowzer's page or to Precious and Tender's page, click on their picture below!


Precious and Tender

This is Muffin's baby neice!! Her name is Soleil, click the picture of them to go to her page!

And to go back to my index, Click Here!

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