In September of 2002, I got two guinea pigs to be class pets for my students. I named them Oreo and Snickers (both female). In October, we got a new one (also female) named Hershey. Oreo is black on her head and butt and white in the middle, Snickers has some caramel brown and some dark (chocolate) brown and mostly white :-) Hershey is dark brown and white. All three lived in our classroom for a year and a half. Then I got a student who was allergic, so they moved in with my fiance at the time. When we got married, they came to live in our new home. This past July, when I came home from work one day, Oreo had died. So now I only have two little piggies :-(

These guinea pigs are spoiled rotten! I had no idea they could have such personality. Whenever they hear plastic rattling, they assume it's a bag containing a treat for them and stand up on their hind legs and squeal like there's no tomorrow. Same thing when the fridge opens, they just know I'm getting them a carrot. I have always loved dogs, cats, birds, etc. Never thought I could love a rodent so much, but I don't mind being wrong.

Enjoy some pictures of my fat rats.

This is me and Oreo and Snickers the day after I got them.




Hershey and Snickers

Oreo and Hershey

Snickers and Hershey in September of 2004.

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