Big Bird

My ex, Big Bird's owner, gave me some very sad news. On New Years Eve 2002, Big Bird had a seizure and died. I want to leave this page up in his memory though. He was an amazing bird.

I spent a year falling in love with a parrot ... and now I am obsessed lol. Big Bird is a 6 year male eclectus who owns my ex boyfriend. While I was living with them, the human worked at night so I spent lots of time with Big Bird, eventually I ended up being the one to feed and play with him most of the time and we bonded and I fell head over heels in love. With a bird. But then his human decided he'd rather be with another girl so I moved out ... and unfortunately I couldn't convince him to let me take the bird with me. So now I miss Big Bird more than a sane person probably should lol. But since meeting him, I have become a "bird person" which I never thought I'd be (I've always been a "dog person" and a "cat person", never really was interested in birds) and I am determined to one day (soon I hope) have an eclectus in my own family! Anyway, this page is just something I made because I love Big Bird SO much and I miss him SO much ... SO's some pictures of him
***I got a Sun Conure for graduation!!! You can go to Soleil's page by clicking here

These two are my favorite: He liked to knock his food container down off of the shelf under his cage ... when he was lucky it opened up when it fell ... then he could pick through and get ALL the peanuts he could before someone found him lol. Then he flew to the top of the cage and looked SO innocent like, "I didn't do it". Ain't he cute???!

Click here to see pictures of me and my sweet birdie

Big Bird would sit on my shoulder while I put on my makeup and look in the mirror with his head cocked sideways and say "pretty bird" - don't know if he meant himself or me lol ... he sat on my shoulder while I played clarinet and didn't even squawk! (not so with the oboe, however) ... He flew to me when I came in the door, he slept on my pillow ... he "fed" me (he even kindly digested the food for me before he put it in my hand) ... one day I went upstairs to get something to drink, came back down and he was STANDING in my plate of spaghetti with a noodle hanging out of his mouth ... he liked to try to drink out of my glass too (and often knocked it over and made a mess) ... and for some reason he LOVED to perch on and climb in this bucket I had all my nail polish in lol ... he slept with me (since the other human worked at night lol - big bird slept on his pillow)... Whenever we watched Aladdin at night he would always squawk when Iago said "I'm so ticked off I'm molting!" lol ... he took showers with me and LOVED it lol ... when I was upset he always flew to me ... he also loved to stick his beak down in the fishtank where the top is open in the back ... and when I fed the fish he would close the lid down then knock on it three times with his beak lol ... he said "I love you", "Pretty Bird", "Big Bird", "Goose Goose" (another bird Rob used to have), "C'mere!", "G'mornin" and "Wha' ya doin'?" plus he had this sweet little "wah-woh" sound he made ALL the time lol ... and of course, since he lived with a Sun Conure (Goose-Goose) when he was a baby, he was an expert screamer (and did often!). And two times I got him to say "Nicole" but he never would say it after that. These are just some of the things that I miss :-( Amazing how much personality a bird can have, I never knew. And it's amazing how much a person can love an animal! I have always loved my dogs and cats and been miserable when they died ... now I'm miserable over a bird who's still alive but I can never see again. But I'm very glad I got to spend some time with him because he taught me a lot :-) And it's nice to be able to cry and tell someone all your problems and have them look at you and go "I love you" and that's it lol. The other day I was going through some boxes that I hadn't unpacked yet from moving back home and found little white BigBird feathers and cried for an hour. Rob said he would send me a tailfeather that fell out the other day, too. And he knows that if he EVER needs to get rid of Big Bird for any reason that he had better come to me!

Eclectus Links

The Eclectus Society
Shades of Red and Green
Eclectus Companion Aviary

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