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Hey whats up everyone? Well the title gives everything away.. so you know what this section is for.. basically i was bored one night and couldnt sleep and was checking out other people's personal websites and i bit the idea, so call me a biter who cares.. But anyways... I guess I will start all of this off by telling you a little about my self... I am currently 19 years old.. i was born in Espanola, New Mexico and have lived here all of my teen years... i lived my child hood as a military kid so i was living everywhere.... but who cares about my childhood that was a long time ago.. i graduated from Pojoaque High School in 2001.. with lots of regrets.. by that i just wish i coulda changed a lot of things.. but oh well cant go back in time.. as of now i am currently attending Northern New Mexico Community College.. its probably the shitest school in the state.. but oh well im almost done I just have a few more semesters to go and i will be getting my associates degree in computer networking... I am probably boring you with all this history about me.. so i guess i will move on and tell you what i like to do.. Well first off i love to have a good time.. i like to chill with my friends party once in a while and just have a great time.. or as we call it "getting on the wine!!" I also love spending lots of money and making my rides look pimp as hell I love the attention and respect you get from it.. and as for the haters.. well they can just suck my dick.. I also spend a lot of time in the gym.. I dont think I can go a week witout working out.. I ussually work out 5-6 times a week.. I also like tribal art work and tattoos.. I currently have 2 tribals.. going for 3 another tribal design on my back.. Lets see what else.. as for music I like a lot of wierd shit.. so if you like it I prolly don't... I listen to a lot of Techno/Trance/House music when I am racing and at night.. just gets me hyped up and drive fast.. also relaxes me.. I listen to a lot of underground hip hop that most of you never heard of.. but I do have a taste for all of that comercial crap they always play on the radio and mtv and BET... and last but not least I like a lot of alternative and grunge music especially SUBLIME.. Well you are probably tired of me blabbing away.. so I guess I better shut up now.. Well dont forget to browse around and sign my guestbook.. also if u just wanna chat.. hit me up on YIM under the name kaotik_es or AIM under the name kaotikcivic or MSN under the s/n or if you just want to chat threw email you can reach me at

Here is some other basic info about me..

Favorite Drink: H2o,Redbull,Speed Stack,Hiekien,Corona w/lime,Crown Royal

Dislikes:coky stuck up people,slow drivers,wannabes,thugs,bangs and black lipstick,ricey cars,gold diggas

Likes: Cool laid back and funny people,speeding,lifting,partyin,chillin w/ dem females,car shows,asians women,hip hop scene

Birth Day-9/23/1983