01072004&»»;9.05 PM

There is s00 much that I want to write//express.. basically every emotion that I am experiencing @+ this very second, but the "PUBLICeye" just won't understand. One thing -out of the many- that I WANT to change about myself is my bottle personality. I just can't..... EXPRESS myself. Not w/ words; or actions. Even with the MOST IMPORTANT people in my life, I seem to isolate myself. If only you knew of the insecurities &' inside thoughts. -//vent.

On January282004, me&'ryan will have our 1YEAR anniversary. O MAYN. I know we're both scared haha, but it's a GOOD feeling of fear =). +DEDICATION+//.

I can feel my body growing. I'M BLOOMING YOU GUYS!! haha. SHUT UP.. don't start w/ the ewws &' yucks =p. Goddd, I'm only 16.. but I feel soo OLD. High school is almost over.. college is around the corner.. wtf am I going to be when I grow up? NO CLUE. HEY.. whatever happens, happens.

I seriously miss Paul &' Kenneth &' all of them =(. [SIGH] SO MUCH HAS CHANGED in just a couple of weeks. When the fun stops, reality kicks in. I say kick it back and kill it =x.

01062004&»»;9.28 PM

She doesn't understand me.. or why I do the things I do. Her letter said nothing.. it's the same crap she writes in all of her letters. I don't want to talk to her .. and I could care less what her &' her mate[ A.K.A- MR.aHOLE ] say to me. The threats do not help @+ all. Honestly, she's just making things worse. But hey, do what you gotta do.. and I'll do the same. . .

01062004&»»;1.09 AM

PEEK-a-BOO! Guess who's back? Like the layout? If you don't, FUCk 0ff =). The CYNIK art on top is Ryan's work. Look on the ground all over ER and you'll see him (+KANTC&'RTWO). I <3 Liv TYLER! Her beauty is classic. MORE pictures will be added later. It's 1 in the morning and I'm still up.. [YAWNS] Good night.

THE TRUTH IS OUT// I wasn't surprised.. because I already knew LOL. But I'm happy that nothing will change between us.. the relationship will continue w/ our stupidIORITY =). haha.