End of Days
By Dove

Author Name: Dove
E-mail Address: dovepond@netscape.net
Title: End of Days
Spoilers: Everything up to the Gift. AU after that.
Warnings: Character death, angst, religious themes
Rating: Definite NC-17 but not till later
Distribution: Ask and ye shall receive.
Feedback: Please!! This is my first story and I need an ego boost
Add. Notes: Ok. changed things a bit. Angel is Spike's sire. Angel never had Connor though there was the whole Darla bit. Names of places may be mispelled. If I offend anyone..sorry! Oh, heavy of the end of the world stuff so if this ain't your cuppa don't read. Also..not beta'd so ya'll can see how I can't spell and stuff. :)



Their gone. Dead. No more. Faded. Lost. These words kept repeating themselves in Xander's mind over and over again. The stark reality of it had not yet seeped into his brain. As he kneeled there next to their cooling corpses he tried to force himself to make sense of it but was failing horribly. He reached down with a shaking hand and brushed some dirt from Anya's cooling body. *So cold. How did she get so cold so fast?* Shaking his head at this thought he continued to clean her face of the debri from the bricks that had fallen on her. *She can't be dead. We were going to get married and have kids and a house with a white fence. I promised so she can't be dead.* In a daze he glanced up and only now realized that he sat alone. He could see the others crowding around another body. *That's Buffy. She died too. I wonder if she's with her mom?* Thinking this he realized he was probably in shock. Looking down at Anya's frozen face he began to brush dirt from her again, as if by cleaning her she would awaken and thank him and begin to berate him on his clumsiness for getting in the way again.

He heard his name being called but couldn't look away from her face. *So beautful. Even now she's so beautiful* Suddenly he was shoved to the side. Angry, he lashed out and pushed back at the person who would dare remove him from his love. In a fury he began to hit and kick, never realizing he was screaming at the top of his lungs. *Noo!!! She might wake up!! Leave her alone. She just needs to rest before she gets up!** And as these thoughts passed thru his mind it hit him. She would never wake. She was sleeping forever now. That's when he froze. His body locked up in the horrible realization. His screaming became keens and the last thing he saw before the blackness took him was the other face he loved above all others, Willow, with a look of pure misery etched on her face.


The funeral's were done together at night. Two brave women who had fought and died for the world they so loved buried next to each other for all time. The gathering was small. To one side stood the Sunnydale gang. Willow, leaning heavily upon Tara, the tears a never ending stream of grief and loss. Tara, standing firm, her face too etched in grief though most of it was for Willow. Giles, a shocked and lost look upon his face, as if he could not comprehend what was happening. Dawn, with a look of such utter sadness that if any were outside of their own mourning they would have wrapped themselves around her as if to protect her from a physical blow. Spike his face so fixed in pain that it was the perfect mask of agony. Xander who's face wore nothing. The look of a man who has nothing inside him and so there is nothing to show.

To the other side was the L.A. gang. Angel's face bore a perfect resembence to Xander's. Cordelia standing silent and stoic. Here only for Angel's benefit since she bore no love for either woman and could find within herself only the simple grief of a life lost. Wesley, sorrow for all the things he could never have given the Slayer. Tears too streamed down his face. In the backround stood Gunn and Fred. Silent witnesses to a suffering they could not share.

The priest said his service and blessed the ground. Silent prayers and throwing of dirt and then it was over. They were gone and nothing could bring them back. And the world was silent for a moment in tribute to her finest warrior and her friend.


The sleeping pills didn't help anymore. They had for awhile taken away the pain of an empty bed. The silence of an empty apartment. The smell of stagnent air. But no more. They lost their charming use and in doing so pulled Xander from his drug induced walls and forced him into the harsh light of reality.

Three months. Three months of emptiness and it was beginning to take it's toll. First was the job. Late, absent, poor work and he was finally sat down by his boss and told he was no longer needed. Xander could only summon the barest notion of failure. It didn't matter. Next, his friends. Loss of contact. Avoidance. None came around anymore except for Willow. Even then it was briefly and not often.

Finally his home and for that Xander was grateful. The last excuse for remaining torn away with an eviction notice. So now he found himself outside his former building next to his half-way dead car with a small bag of clothes and nothing more. He needed nothing more. He was leaving. Escaping. Getting away from the stench of death and loss. He was free now and for the first time in months he felt something. Relief.


Willow pounded on the door. She had been doing so for 10 minutes before she attracted the attention of an irritated neighbor.

"He's gone."

"What?" Confusion crinkling her brow she turned to face the half dressed woman peeking thru her door.

"He's gone. Got evicted. Saw him leave with a small bag. He told the landlady to keep everything or sell it. He wouldn't be coming back." That said she slammed her door shut leaving a bewildered Willow staring after.

Slowly comprehension dawned on her and for the second time Willow grieved. She wept for another lost friend whom she knew she would never see again and in doing so she broke. The final vestiges of her former self swept away with loss of her last childhood friend. And she would be the same no more.


Giles finished packing his boxes. The old Watcher gazed wearily at his half empty apartment. The last remains of his former life. The Council wanted him back as a reasearcher and since nothing more tied him to this place he was leaving. Biting back the wave of grief that threatened to overwhealm him, he proceeded to empty his old home of the last of his life. When he was finished he gave his key to the landlord and gazed back once more on the last five years.

Sighing he turned away. He was going back to England and he would not be coming back.


Spike lay on his crypt. He had been weeping uncontrollably for the last several months and he was growing weary of it. The pain of losing the Slayer weighed heavily upon him still but now it's bite was not so sharp. Glancing around he realized there was nothing for him anymore. No Inititave and so no hope of having the chip removed. No Slayer and so no hope of love. There was nothing. He got up slowly and began to pack his things. Just enough to carry.

As he was packing his belongings he remembered Dawn. He had promised the Slayer he would look out for her and it was almost enough to make him pause. Almost. He was tired of being a useless vampire. It was time to remember who he was. The girl could look after herself.

Strapping the bag to the back of his motorcycle he drove out of Sunnydale. Not once looking back.


Dawn looked at the Social Worker sitting across from her. They were trying to determine if Willow would be adequete enough to take care of her but she knew she would not be staying. Her father had called for the first time in years and was now stating he wished to take Dawn.

She knew she would be going. She could not bring herself to care. Giles, Xander, even Spike had all left. Willow was different now. Colder and no longer had time for someone she used to consider family. Because she wasn't and now was no longer wanted.

Babbling on the woman seemed oblivious to the lost look on the teenager's face. Ignoring the woman Dawn got up and began to pack her bags. She was going with her father. And she was cold inside.


Gunn glanced over at Angel. The vampire was staring off into space again. He had been doing so for months now and Gunn could not see it changing any time soon. Cordelia still received vision's but the vampire had ceased going to them for weeks now. Fred and Wesley had both left. Fred back to school and the life she had been sidetracked from. Wesley to who knows where. The former Watcher had simply picked up his things one day and left. He never even said goodbye. Cordelia was growing impatient and the warrior knew she would be leaving soon too. So was he. His old gang had asked for him back and since he was no longer doing much good here he had decided to re-join them. This place was dead and so was it's owner. In body and in spirit.

Gathering up his few things he walked up to Angel. The older man glanced up with a glazed look that cleared when he saw the expression on Gunn's face. He simply nodded and went back to staring.

Gunn left. There was no going back.


The oracles looked down on all that had transpired and even their cold and jaded hearts found a measure of pity for the way things had gone. In deference to the higher powers they began to work.

To Angel was given his soul. Permanant. They found no good reason why since it was obvious he would find no joy but they had learned long ago not to question.

To Gunn his old gang. He was a strong warrior and could yet do some good.

To Cordelia her freedom. No more visions would grace a woman who no longer had a use for them.

To Wesley a direction. He too could do good and so they gave him possibilties.

To Fred her life. Nothing more.

To Willow nothing. She needed no more.

To Tara understanding. The Red Witch no longer needed her or her love.

To Giles a purpose. They knew his research would prove invaluable.

To Dawn a future. A normal life was within her grasp.

To Spike the removal of his chip. Though this chaffed in the end they knew it's reason.

To Xander their pity. They could give him nothing now.

The PTB had been given a task. It would not take place for years but it would take place. The warriors would come together again for a final battle. They were needed but no now. Let them live a little.

Part One--Chance Findings

12 Years Later

London, England

Rupurt Giles sighed heavily as he opened yet another tomb in the huge library of the Watcher's Council. He had been a researcher here for almost 12 years now and he was getting old. His glasses had become thicker and his once ram-rod straight posture had taken on a decided slump. Removing his glasses and wiping his eyes he allowed himself a brief moment of rest before once again turning to the ancient volume.

He had begun recently to work on the old prophecies that had been discovered in a back corner of the library two years ago and the work was slow going. The languages were old and even though he was known for his skills in translating such old texts his mind was failing him. Taking out a new sheet of paper and pen he began the slow process of translation. Three hours later he had managed to transfer several pages since the language seemed to flow now that he had been working on it for several weeks.

Closing the book he began to read what the book had said and a cold shiver creeped down his spine. This was not good. This was not good at all. Glancing around him furtively he grabbed up the old book and his notes and placed them in his satchel. Hesitating, he picked up two more volumes that had been found with it and put them in his satchel as well.

Hurridly putting on his coat, he left the old building and made his way to his car. Once again glancing around he slipped inside and drove towards home. There was some calls he had to make.

From a window on the top floor of the Council Buildings a lone figure watched as Giles made his way off the grounds. Turning he spoke into the room.

"Follow him and find out what he took."

An assistant quickly left the room leaving the man alone to contemplate. In the darkness of the room his eyes glowed red.


San Juan, Puerto Rico

Tara strode down the busy sidewalk heading towards the small magic shop. She had been living in Puerto Rico for three years and had become known locally as the woman to see for unusual problems. Her supplies were running low and that was the only reason she found herself out in the humid and hot weather. Spotting the store, she quickly made her way inside and began to scan the isles for some of the ingrediants she needed. After picking up several bottles she made her way to the register. Behind the counter sat an old grizzled man.

"Good Morning Pedro. How is business?" Tara greeted cheerfully.

"Well Senora. I see you have Morka Root. Very powerful. You are being careful?"

"Ci! I only need it for some healing powders."

They continued to chat for several minutes on the various magical uses for Morka Root before a young woman entered the shop. Tara glanced over and caught her breath. The woman seemed.....familiar somehow. Like an old friend whose name you can't remember. Realizing she was staring, Tara shook her head and paid for her purchases. Crossing the room to leave she was brought up short as the woman turned her back on her. On the neck of the woman was a symbol. A very old symbol. Suddenly the room was icy cold and Tara could feel the walls closing in on her.

That symbol was rare. Very, very rare and it never brought good news. Gathering herself together Tara quickly ran out of the building and towards home. She had some serious reasearch to do and very little time to do it in.

In her haste to escape she never saw the woman staring after her with glowing red eyes nor did she hear the screams of the old man as he was being questioned.


Rome, Italy

Wesley scrapped the last of his breakfast from his plate and sat back with a satisfied sigh. He had only recently arrived in Rome after a rather quick retreat from a Volga Demon in France. Picking up the paper lying next to him, he perused the local section hopeing to find something that looked suspicious enough to where he might make a few bucks. He had been living from job to job for almost 12 years now and he was getting bored with it all. He was not as young as he used to be and although in better shape than ever before his age was catching up with him.

Spotting a rather vicious murder from the night before he quickly read the article and realized the events had happened only a few blocks from him. Deciding to check it out he paid for his food and made his way leisurly among the streets. He had been to Rome some years before so he knew where he was going.

Spotting the scene of the crime he made his way over and began to speak with some of the neighbors and business owners. Claiming to be an investigator hired by the deceased man's family he found out that the murder was done around 2:00 in the morning and that for the brutality of the man's death noone heard anything. Not one thing. Finding this extremely odd he walked around the outline of the body the police had made. Crouching down he tried to see if anything looked unusual. Hearing a noise he glance up and to his left. What he saw almost made him lose his recently aquired meal. A symbol. An old and rare symbol painted in blood on the side of the building.

Jumping up quickly, he ran through the streets towards his hotel. He had somewhere to go and fast.

From the darkness of a nearby alley a man in a long trenchcoat watched as Wesley ran off. A slow, evil smile creeped across his face as he faded into nothingness.


Vancouver, Washington

Willow threw her long red hair over her shoulder as she waited in the park for her husband. It was warm out. The summer months had finally arrived and with it the rare and welcome feel of warmth. Looking over the playground she saw her son and daughter playing on the swing sets together. Smiling at their antics she reached down and rubbed her stomach which was distended from her body. One more month and her new son would come into the world. She could hardly wait. She had been so lost when she had meet Brian. She had moved to Vancouver 10 years before to pursue a career in Business and she had done well for herself. Known as the Red Dragon among her fellow co-workers she was a cold, rutherless bitch who never had time for anything other than work. That had all changed 3 years later.

Brian had come into her work place a young, eager, and frightfully happy man ready to make his way to the top. Willow had immediatly disliked him and proceeded to do everything her power to make his life miserable. She had almost succeeded until she realized her hatred wasn't genuine. Over the course of the next several months after that realization Brian had wooed the pants off her and the block of ice that had once been her heart melted under his love.

They had married and she have given birth to their first son Daniel with Joyce following soon after. Now sitting on the worn bench she couldn't help but smile as she thought of all the ways her life had changed.

Hearing her name called she looked up to see Brian striding towards them wearing his ever present grin. Gathering up the children he made his way toward her.

"Hi baby! Been waiting long?" Brian asked as he kissed her on the cheek.

Holding her hand up for assistance Willow smiled and replied. "Not long. The Gregor Account meeting let out late. I was worried I wouldn't make it on time."

"Sorry Wil." Looking down at his children he spoke. "Ok you two what do you think about Pizza and a couple of movies tonight?" With a resounding yes Daniel and Joyce bolted to their dad's car leaving the two parents to follow.

Talking about their day they climbed in and began the journey home. Turning around to look at her children Willow never saw the semi-truck swerve in front of the them. She heard, however, Brian's scream and the squeal of tires. She felt the slam of their car impacting with another object. Before the darkness took her she saw Joyce slumped over her seatbelt blood running down her face and Daniel pressed against the twisted door. And then she knew no more.

The man sitting behind the wheel of the semi glanced in his mirrors at the crumpled remains of the car he had just run into. His eyes slitted red and he chuckled at the perfect mess he had made. Still laughing he made his way out of the truck towards the wreck. Reaching the drivers side door he reached into the twisted metal when he noticed Brian still moving. Quickly snapping his neck he was about to start on the children when the people from the surrounding vehicles began to make their way towards him. Realizing it was now time to get away he hastily backed away and ran towards the side of the road. The concerned people surrounding the car never saw him disappear into nothing.


Port Au Prince, South Africa

Fred looked out her window from her office at the University. Seeing the students walking around the campus always put a smile on her face. She could remember her happy carefree days before her sudden trip to Pilea. Smiling now she turned back to the stack of papers she had to grade. She had come to South Africa 7 years before when she had finally graduated in the top of her class in physics. They had offered her a very generous sum of money and the promise of her own home to go over and educate their students. At first she had refused but the tempting offer had her soon packing her belongings and entering a new world.

She found the life here quiet and enjoyable if a tad boring but seeing the young adults eyes light up when new theories or principles were shown in the end made it worth it for her. Nearing the end of her stack, Fred was startled when a knock came at her door. It was very unusual for her to receive visitors this late in the day. Shrugging she called out for the person knocking to come in.

Not looking up from her task she was again shocked when she was thrown from her chair as she was about to greet her visitor. Impacting hard with the wall behind her she immediatly rolled to her right. An action that saved her life as the axe her attacker weilded at her came crashing down. Old insticts she had long since forgotten kicked in and with a flurry of movement she launched herself at the surprised man. Biting, kicking, and screaming at the top of her lungs she proceeded to take apart her attacker. But he was not alone. With a violent pull she was ripped away from her victim and hurled thru the air. Landing badly she felt her leg break and the warm sensation of blood coursing down her head as the world faded to darkness.

Unknown to Fred, her screams had attracted the attention of some passing students who barged thru the door in time to see two men dressed in dark coats standing above the professor. Shouting out they tried to attack but were brought up short when the men looked their way. Red eyes gleamed in plain, human looking faces and they faded into nothing right before the disbelieving eyes of the students.

As the paramedics arrived and ushered the still unconcious woman to the hospital two figures smiled as their eyes gleamed red.


Los Angeles, California

Gunn and Dawn grunted as they crashed together with a sickening thump. Their sparing lessons had been going on for years now but they still managed to surprise each other with a new move that resulted in a spontanious crash. Looking over at the prone form next to him Gunn grinned and began to get up. Smiling back Dawn also proceeded to rise.

They had meet 12 years before, shortly after Dawn had moved to L.A. to live with her father following her sister's death. Dawn had been walking home from school one day when she was attacked by a group of thugs. Knowing that it would turn out bad she had immediatly began screaming attracting the attention of Gunn and a few of his buddies. Saving her they had recognized each other from the funeral and had become close friends.

After graduating high school, Dawn had decided to join Gunn's fight against Vampire's. They had been working together ever since. Even having to fight on their wedding night when a group of Darvack Demons had decided to crash. Their marriage had been interesting at times but the two warriors shared a deep connection that made them a perfect fighting unit.

Dawn had tried once to visit with Angel after moving to L.A. A deep need to keep in contact with someone she once knew burning in her. She had been disheartened when she went to the site of the investigations company only to find an abandoned building. She had never tried again.

Standing off against each other the two fighters once again began to spar. They had built up quite a sweat when they were interupted by another member of their group.

"What is it, Mac?"

"There's a guy up here. Say's he knows you. Say's he's gotta talk to ya now. He seems pretty desperate."

"Ok, tell him to wait. I'll be out in a sec. Dawn we'll finish later ok?"

Nodding her head she grabbed a towel and followed her husband out of the room. She was surprised then when she bumped into him. Gunn stood frozen on the spot looking at the man standing in the center of the room surrounded by his men.


"Gunn. We're in trouble."

In the shadows outside the warehouse a red eyed man watched with a murderous expression on his face. *Not yet* he thought. Not wishing to see any more he backed away to go and find something to kill. Preferably several things.


New York, New York

Cordelia sat across from Xander in the small coffee shop sipping fitfully at her mocha. She glared daggers at her long time friend as he devoured a meal straight from the nightmare's of a cholestral ridden dream. She had moved to New York to pursue a modeling career shortly after Buffy and Anya's funeral when it was made clear she was no longer needed. She was surprised then to discover her visions fading before stopping all together after her arrival. She had sent a small prayer and very heartfelt thank you to the PTB before promptly forgetting all about them and setting off.

While she had had no sucess with acting she found a very wonderful career as a model and was soon rolling in offers and money. Happy at her new found success she was shocked one day to find Xander behind the camera at one of her shoots 8 years ago.

They had quickly caught up with old times and Cordelia had found out how much Xander had changed. It seems he had wandered after leaving Sunnydale with no notion of where he was going or what he was to do. Desperate for money one day he had walked into a photo shop and landed a job as photo developer. Growing interested in the field he had taken classes at a local school and pretty soon he was in high demand for his uncanny ability to find the perfect image.

He had moved to New York after a company had seen his work and was now one of the most popular and in demand photographer's around.

"You do realize you'll die before you hit 40 if you eat like that?" Cordy spoke.

"Cordy, I'm 35. I think I'm old enough to decide what I'm gonna eat." Xander replied shoveling another mouthful in.

Sighing the model rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink. Looking at him she could hardly believe he was the same goofy young man she had briefly dated in high school. He was much more mature now and his jokes were few and far between. He was far too serious now.

"The Johnson's ad went well don't you think? I mean, they all but laid down at your feet and worshiped you when they got the prints."

Xander simply grunted and continued to eat.

"What's got you so quiet? You've been all grunty boy for a week now. What's up?" Cordelia finally said when she realized that was her only answer.

"Dunno. Just kinda down lately."


"Listen Cordy, I don't wanna talk about it right now. Ok?" Having said that he finished up his meal and rose to pay for it. Returing to the table he put on his coat and started to leave. Knowing she would get nothing more from him Cordelia rose to follow. Walking along beside him she looked at him again. He was getting older but by some miracle had retained his boyish looks. His body was stronger and fuller now but his face retained it's chubby childishness. Sighing again at the unfairness of it all she went to cross the street.

She never saw the car gunning toward her. She heard Xander scream and then an impact and then nothing more.

On the sidewalk a plain looking man watched as Xander knelt next to Cordelia. The man was crying and this made a small smile appear across his face. Staying until he knew the woman was dead he walked away. A passerby saw his eyes glow red before he disappeared into nothing.

***** Brazil, South America

Spike dropped the corpse to the ground after he finished draining it. Looking over to his right he saw his Dark Princess finish her meal. He joined her and they began walking towards their house. He was growing bored with Brazil but he couldn't convince Dru to move. She liked the sultry air and the funny languages as she put it. He had found her there after leaving Sunnydale.

He had joined her shortly after he could kill again. It was a huge surprise when he found that out. He had been on a train to Mexico when he was surrounded by some nasty looking thugs. Knowing they were human he had resigned himself to a heavy beating and a robbing. And they had proceeded to beat on him. He was beginning to lose conciousness when his demon had roared and took over. Reaching up and ripping out one of the men's throats he preparred himself for the pain from the chip when he realized there was none. Quickly taking advantage of the situation he had hurridly killed all the men before he began to feed. Even now he could remember the sensation of fresh, warm human blood after being so long without. He had been dizzy with it and gorged himself.

He had made his way to Brazil and Dru where he had stayed ever since. He found himself increasingly bored and aggitated with his Dark Godess and realized he would be leaving soon. With or without her. Reaching their home he opened the door and gave instructions to his minions for the following day. That taken care of he led Dru to their bedroom and got ready for the oncoming day. Laying down next to her he fell asleep to her idle ramblings.

He woke up several hours later to Dru screaming in his ear. Bolting upright he dragged the vampriss to him and began to coo and whisper nonesense at her. After several minutes she finally began to calm.

"The kitten is in trouble and the red tree weeps. The black and the white have found the wise man and the old gentleman comes to town. When will the mouse meet them?"

Shaking his head at her nonsense he called for a minion to bring in a snack. Still calming Dru down he reached out for the struggling man the minion had brought in and proceeded to feed Dru knowing she always made more sense after eating. With the corpse removed he began to speak to her.

"Dru baby, what did you see?"

"You must go now my sweet Spike. The kitten needs you and the red tree seeks your help. The lights rays will come for you if you do not go and she will be very cross. Daddy searches...searches but he cannot find him."

Ok. Out of all that he understood only the Daddy part. "Dru baby, Angel? Who is Angel looking for?"

"Daddy seeks the gentleman to help with the markings but the gentleman is gone already. He went to meet the wise man and the black and white. Hurry, Hurry the kitten needs you. Save the kitten." With that Dru began to weep as the visions only she could see swept thru her mind.

Mumbling to himself Spike got up and began to pace. Ok, he could figure this out. The kitten, the black and white, the gentleman, the wiseman, and the red tree. What were these things. And then it hit him. Red tree.

"Dru, is it Willow? Is Willow the red tree?" Nodding her head Dru burrowed into the mattress and began to speak again.

"The Red Tree is lost now and must be found. The flowers are hurting and the seed is gone. The Red Tree wants the kitten but the kitten is in trouble. Find the kitten and help the red tree. Save them Spike."

As she said these words a long forgotten feeling rose within Spike. At first he didn't recognize it, it had been so long since he felt it but then it was remembered. Fear. Why would Dru be having visions of Willow and Angel? Who were these other people? Why did he have to go? And why did he care?

"Dru why should I help Willow? And who is this kitten I have to save?" Even as he said these things he realized he had already decided to leave.

"The red tree weeps. Help her. The kitten used to be the funny clown but now hides behind the pictures. They come for him with red eyes and he runs but cannot hide."

"Where Dru?"

"The red tree waits in the dead president and the kitten hides in the apple but soon he will run to the sea."

Apples. Apples. Bloody fucking hell. Apples. Apples. New York?

"New York Dru? The kitten is in New York?" Again she nodded. Spike called to his minions and started passing out instructions. He had a kitten to find.

On the roof a dark man peered thru a broken skylight into the home below. He started cursing and his eyes began to flash a menacing red. It was too soon. He withdrew from his vantage point and with a furious twirl of his coat vanished.


London, England

Angel pounded on the door to the flat repeatedly. He had been knocking for several minutes, growing more and more angry with every passing moment. He had flown all the way from Charlotte, North Carolina to talk to Giles about a book he had found.

He had moved to Charolotte 5 years ago and now ran a small rescue foundation for troubled teens. He found the work very rewarding but still dabbled in the dark things in life. It was how he had found the book. He had made it a habit to visit all of the local magic shops and off the beaten path book stores to keep in touch with things. It was on one of these visits that a store owner had told him of a newly aquired book that he might be interested in. The book was in a very old language and at first Angel was going to pass it by but an odd feeling had overcome him and he decided to purchase it.

Since it was in a language he couldn't read he had set the book down and promptly forgotten about it until he was cleaning out some old boxes in his store room. Curiosity had overcome him and he enlisted the aid of a demon friend in the translation. What had been found had chilled the vampire to his very marrow.

The book spoke of a very old prophecie contained in the Myesha Cronicles. Although the book did not say what the prophecy was about it had contained some symbols that could be found contained within. He may not have known the words but he knew those symbols and he had immediatly left for London to find Giles.

Banging again the vampire was ready to snap when an old man came up the steps.

"You looking for Rupurt?"

"Yes, I am. Do you know where he is?" Angel said hopefully.

"Can't say I do. I'm his landlord. He told me he was taking an emergency trip to the states and wouldn't be back for some time. Do you want...."

The man was cut off as Angel barrelled past him and out of the building. Cursing under his breath he hailed a cab and made his way back to the airport. He had a missing librarian to find.

In the darkness outside the building a woman stood. Her eyes gleamed red as a smile crossed her face. She vanished.


"It's time." The voice echoed within the walls of the great building.

"Yes, I know. Already the Eyalca follow them." The second voice stated.

"Send the Three. They must guide them."

"What if they fail?"

"They cannot fail or we are lost."


In the dark of night above a small town in Nebraska three points of light appeared. They grew brighter and brighter until the ground was lite as if it were day. When the glow had faded three figures could be seen. They were of unearthreal beauty and stood with a presence of immense power. They spoke to each in voices of breeze and wind and when they were finished seperated in three directions. One head North and West, another South and the last to the East.

A lone farmer saw the display and feel to his knees in worship of a god he had long given up faith in. And as he wept on the ground with his newfound knowledge the angels began their task.
