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    Let's Hit The Showers  

    October 12th, 2005

    Good News!

    Hi guys, sorry I have not been on to chat and update my site lately, I have been so busy. Guess what, I got the job"go me, go me yea!" I am so excited I start on the 24th and its M-F days did you hear that "DAYS!" Couldn't ask for anything better! Well can't stop now I am on a roll, more good news it's my birthday! I turned 23 yesterday, yes I know I am getting old.. :) okay maybe not old but I feel ancient. So Jeremy couldn't get off work, I thought he was just messing around but nope, he was serious, he didn't get off until 5. Man, I was so tired yesterday I couldn't get up to save a life. Good thing my sista was here to watch the kids. Well I finally get up and it's already going to be 5, Jeremy was about to get off work and man I haven't even jumped in the shower, so naturally that is the first thing I do. Well Anthony decides that he gets to take a shower as well so he jumps in clothes and all.. Okay at first I was upset because I was already running late but now I look at him and laugh, come on you know that was funny! Just picture him clothes, diaper and all just sitting in the bath smiling. What can you do? So I finish getting ready Jerz walks in and plants a huge kiss on my lips, which by the way just took me totally off guard, but was so nice! So we get to the party that his mom was throwing for me and turns out she had to work late but everyone else was able to show. It was so much fun, the kids were having a wonderful time, we ate a great dinner, which btw gotta give props to my sista-in -law she always makes the best food! :) Then it's time for presents and I got the best gifts a diamond, saphire necklace, earing, and bracelet set. Oh my gawd, it is so gorgous! The most beautiful set I have ever seen. I was pushing the tears back and let me just say for the record, the hardest thing to do is hold back when everything is just so perfect! I can't tell you how much this meant to me, and to all of you out there who know me, is was the best birthday ever! Thank You guys so much, I love you all and I will never forget what you did!

    September 28, 2005

    New Layout

    I wanted to do a new layout due to the fact that everything's changed.  The kids are growing and I've learned quite a lot more from when I first started with web design.  As you can see, I no longer use Frames for the HTML coding.  There are going to be a lot new things coming to this site.  So, instead of just a quick visit to a "webpage", it's going to be a whole website.  Give me ideas of what you guys wanna see here.  I'd like to have pictures, jokes, music, videos, etc.  Just send specifics my way and I'll see what I can do.  Thanks for always stopping by.  This is what fuels my passion to continue learning.

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    I Almost Forgot

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