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[+] blog-agust 13 03 @11:53 pm [+]
well im gonna reopen this site back up agen! well school starts on september 1st and christine is coming over here this saturday! yay! and sean and his cousin mark is gonna come over here too! yay! :) and we might to get to go places because christine said that our cousin dorothy said that she would bring us wherever we want so yay! well im gonna make a new layout so i gotsta get to it!
[+] michelle [+]

[+] blog-July 12 03 @10:18 pm [+]
well i havent been blogging in awhile..just for that i made a new layout. well i added a guestbook so sign it. :) well..last thursday sean went to my house and yeah. then on friday i slept over lauren and mallorys house with lisa, you can call it a girls night out and i didnt sleep until 4 o'clock. well i was 'supposed' to go to lisas house to go swimming but then i left then they went without me..:( here is a note that was given to me by lauren: sorry for leaving you. After you left we went swimming. When I was swimming I wished that you were here. So i cried fore nothing. Well bye. P.S. Remember SS Your Friend Lauren :P it made me cry too. lols. well i was cool in my house listening to music, in the cool airconditioned house. :P well ima go now.
[+] michelle [+]
[+] time/date june 12 @10:25 P.M.[+]
[+] moodhot. [+]
[+] lovingGod,Family,friends [+]
[+] likingsomeone. [+]
[+] hatingmy bike,i want a new one [+]
[+] thinking ofsomeone. [+]
[+] hopingthat i can go swimming :P [+]
[+] needinga new bike [+]
[+] chatting withi was talking to tiffany. [+]
[+] missingno one/nothing [+]
[+] wishingfor andrew to forget the past [+]
[+] eatingnothing [+]
[+] drinkingwater[+]

[+] AIM huggablekutegrl [+]

Brianna and Andrew
Paloma and Steve

My cd player