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Grassroots Media of Lake County

4-13-05 -I have just begun on the construction of the web site. This web site hopes to eventually have the structure in which gives the people of lake county a chance to organize, share ideas, and create more events in lake county. For the most part, people are very much influenced by the media in America. I thought it would be a good idea if the people influenced the media more directly for a change. With this site, the people can organize events for all medias. People can organize concerts at different restaurants or other places of business. People could organize discussion forums, or meetings with other people concerning many different topics. And YOU, yes YOU can excercise your freedom of speech and freedom of the press more actively.

I am building this site at the time being.
I hope to have these things on the site as quickly as possible.
  • Discussion Board
  • Event Page
  • News Articles
  • Guestbook
  • And much more!

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