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Any information or advice you happen to see on this site is not professional. Only a professional should make the diagnosis concerning any mental health issue. Always follow professional advice.

Suicide is a strange beast. It strikes the strong and weak among us. Approximately 30,000 suicides are successful each year in the United States alone. Suicide attempts figure nearly ten times higher than the number of successful suicides each year.

Depressed patients account for 80% of suicide attempts. Schizophrenia accounts for 10% while delirium and dementia round out at 5%.

Females attempt suicide more than males, but males are three times more successful. Midlife crisis plays a big part in suicidal behavior or ideation. Of all the ethnic groups in the United States, white males are twice as likely to attempt suicide than non-whites. The number of suicides is increasing among both genders,all age groups, and ethnic affiliations.

Some suicidal behavior is attributed to genetics. An increase of 300% in the last 30 years for asolescents is reported in the United States.

The term,"suicidal ideation," means you have plans for suicide. These ideations can appear as hallucinations or strong thoughts. If you feel you, your child, or a friend is suffering with suicidal ideation, please report this concern to a mental health professional, or the police, immediately. Right Now! The greatest favor you can perform is to stop worrying about confidentiality and report this problem. The life you save may be your own, your child's or your friend's.

Links to sites on Suicide

Read This First Depression & Suicide Prevention - Emergency Crisis Intervention

Youth Suicide Prevention Information

Teen Suicide Prevention Articles, Parenting of Adolescents - From The Mining Company

Save Suicide Awareness, Voice of Education

Depression Stress Bipolar Disorder Suicide
