*BeTsY's PaGe*
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*BeTsY's PaGe*

*Things I HATE 'bout School!*



Hey! My name is Betsy but everybody call me *BeTz* I'm pretty much an average 15 year old teenager! I like to Hang out w/ friends, PARTY, talk on the computer/phone, Play BaSkEtBaLL, ride around, go to ballgames, go to the movies, Shop, Spend time w/ my Boyfriend Michael Wayne and ALL kinds of other stuff?! I'm NOT Single!! I'm going out w/ Michael Wayne Brown! Everything you need to know is on his page! :) *N-E-Ways* I'm not very shy unless I have just met someone! But trust me, I'm pretty CrAzY!! I'm very easy to get along w/ UNLESS u act like ur TOO good for anyone or a lyin' two-faced Lil wanch?! Trust me, I know some?! haha... I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'7'' and my weight average? I Live in the CoUnTrY outside a REALLY small town in Missouri! It's alright I guess, but I've never lived anywhere else so I wouldn't know?! I'm a *LiL FrEsHy* @ New Madrid County Central!! Finally I'm in High School!! YAY! That feels cool pretty cool to say that! High School is SOO Much better than Middle School...So much more FrEEdOm, but I miss all my Middle School Friends!! :(Last year was my first year @ New Madrid! It was a big change from the good ole school of *Risco* but I like it alot! I'm very active in sports! My all-time FAVORITE sport has to be BaSkEtBaLL! I've been playing basketball since as along as I could remember?! I'm the starting Forward/Center for the Junior Varsity and # 24! My lil' short white self... Haha Laura! I'm gonna play AAU ball this summer and go to some camps, so I can still be ballin'! haha! This sport I'm mainly gonna play in High School! Next would be Volleyball! I was #10 on the JV team... I was really shocked b/c Last year I hardly EVER got to play.. and this year I was finally getting playing time! Our season was pretty good, even though we had a few ups and downs?! And as for Softball... Oh My... This summer was the FIRST time EVER for me to play any kind of softball! (Besides T-Ball and I didn't last too long on that b/c I hated to get dirty!!) I tried out for the team, only b/c *someone* made me! (LAURA!) Well, I made the team, which was a surprise to me! Our softball team was pretty good! I played the COOLEST spot there is, #10 RIGHT FIELD!! Let me tell ya, there was alot of action out there! NOT! haha! I would prolly be better if I thought I was good... but I don't really care.. Its just for fun! I doubt I'll play it this summer!? As for School.. I'm a Stu-Co *FrEsHiE* Rep, Also in FCA Fellow Christian Athletes! I am a Christian and have been since I was like 9!! I attend the Assembly of God Church in Canalou, Missouri! I've been going there since I was born pretty much? We're gettin' a youth group started... It's really cool and fun! I Love my youth group, they're some really great friends! My youth pastors are really cool! I can talk to them about anything I've problems w/! Bobby & Jennifer Chance and Derick & Krisia Cummins! I Have the greatest family God could of blessed me w/ my Mom, Dad, and my older sister, Sarah! Even though we don't all get along all the time, I don't know what I would do without them! My Mom... She's got to be great for putting up w/ me all the time! She takes me about anywhere I want to go and most of the time doesn't complain?! My dad and I are really close... we have alot of father-daughter times when we go fishin' and the one time he took me hunting! I don't think he will ever take me again b/c I can't just sit there w/o nothing to do but he knows I love him! haha I have one older sister, Sarah, she's 20! I was born on her birthday so we are exactly 5 years apart! We are close even though we fight ALL the time *Ask Laura!* She THINKS she can beat me up but... she can't! haha She goes to college at Mizzou! So I don't get to see her alot unless it's summer time! I look up to my sister alot, we're really close for our age difference! She's going out w/ Brian Cox from Charleston/Maldan! He's awesome! He's kinda like a big brother! When he comes ova he fights w/ me and we gang up on Sarah!! I'm glad my sister met him! :) Anywayz...I have ALOT of great frinz which are on my Shoutz page! My Favorite colors are yellow & purple! My favorite movies are "Love & Basketball", "Down to You", "She's All That", "Wizard of Oz", "Pearl Harbor" and "Shirek"!! haha... My Favorite songs are "Number 1" by Nelly, "Me & You" by Kenny Chesney, "Where were you" by Alan Jackson, and "Always on Time" by Ja Rule!If ya wanna contact me I'm usually on the online! I have AOL Instant Messenger.....my nickname is BeTzW705. I also have Icq, my # is 62011427! My e-mail address is Sugerplum_05@hotmail.com! Well, I think that's about it! Don't forget to sign my guestbook, slambook and vote on the polls!! Later! *BeTz LeIgH-AnNz*

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