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Zia Chapter's Chili Cook-off

What a blustery spring afternoon we had for the Chapter's Chili cook-off. Despite the bone chilling breezes on Saturday March 18, there were many die hard Stude folks who came out to show their true southwestern spirit. The weather may have been cold oustide, but the temperature inside was rising from all the different home made chili selections.

First order of business was to get the important issues out of the way. Of course that meant eating! After everyone's taste buds had settled down, Jack Logan called the meeting to order. There wasn't much to talk about for old business so Jack went right into new business. A motion was made to raise the Chapter's yearly dues from $10.00 to $12.00 per year effective March 19 2000. Not only does the extra few dollars per membership help to offset the cost of printing the monthly newsletter but it also makes pro-rating dues for members who join after June much easier. Motion was carried and all voted in favor of the increase. A motion was made to donate $50.00 towards the sponsorship of a trophy class for the Madison 2000 International meet. This was also carried and voted on in favor.

This year, the Chapter would like to get more involved with the Southwest Packard club in joint meetings and activities. This is a "win-win" situation for both clubs because of the added extra exposure. Tom Willers was present representing the Packard Club. He expressed the desire to actively share newsletter information between both clubs and gave an open invitation to their monthly meetings. The Southwest Packard Club meets every 3rd Thursday of each month at THE OLD CAR GARAGE at 3205 Claremont NE. Meetings start at 7:30 pm.

The topic of liability insurance for the Chapter was also discussed. Having liability insurance would protect the chapter and it's members from being sued in case unforseen circumstances would arise at any of our meetings or shows. This is also being considered at a national level by all the other chapters. The national officers need at least 50 percent of the national chapters to buy into the liability insurance for $100.00 per year. If they do not get 50% or more then the insurance won't be offered.

The meeting ended with the raffling of two 1953 "Hot Wheels" cars and a Studebaker video donated by Dave and Jeanie Smith. Jerry Schobert and Dee Gorduyn won the "Hot Wheels". Christee Streett won the Studebaker video. Christee was also the successful high bidder for the Studebaker travel coffee mug and Hans Kayser outbid Louise Shiver for the Studebaker baseball cap.

Members attending were, Calvin Wright (63 Avanti), Keith, Loretta & Tiffany Kuchan, Phil Baiamonte (51 Starlight Coupe), Jack Logan, Mike,Peggy,Zachary & Barbara Hayes, Chris Cope(64 Daytona), Jack & Louise Shiver (61 Lark Convertible), Christee Streett, Mistee Thomson, Mel & Dee Gorduyn, Jerry & Rebecca Schobert (63 Avanti), Hans Kayser (61 Champ Truck), Don Fitzner (1920's Chuckwagon), Dave and Jeanie Smith, Tom Willers, Romeo Kubes and Janice Kazensky (63 Cruiser). We'd like to thank everyone who braved the wind and drove their Studebakers. Look forward to seeing everyone at May's meeting!!