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life is cruel therefore so am i

there are a bunch of people out there who have been convinced that there is an invisible man in the sky. Back about two thousand years ago people didn't know how to explain a lot of what happened around them, so they came up with this invisible guy who knows all, sees all, and wants you to do everything he tells you or else. This had the added benefit of being able to control people through fear of this invisible guy. Now, today we can explain most of what happens in our world with science and technology but there are still all of these people who are convinced that the invisible guy and his son exist, and still knows all and sees all. They truly believe all of this, and therefore they are dangerous because they want to be able to control everything so that they can have all of the money. They also make up these 'holidays' which, while giving us the benefit of a few days, some good parties, and lots of presents don't really mean all that much. So enjoy your presents from wherever they come from and don't worry about the invisible guy in the sky, worry about his followers.