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[Hey there]Holas!

Hey, my name is KJ (more or less)

and this page, Never Mind, You've

Got Mail, is going to be a representation

of my webpage capabilites.

I plan to put various things

I get in email on this page,

from humor to whatever else I get....


well parts, but just the

poetry stuff ya know...

I got to go, adios.

<--- Delta Webring --->

Table of Contents
[Shoes] OoOoOoH Grind Shoes! [Friendship]On Friendship
[AP Links] Ap European Links[Stupid] Really Stupid
[Mrshmllws] Hey I'm bored, are you???[Pilot Story] Whos Packing Your
[of phones] Hello, AT&T? (a joke)[Xmas]Mental Christmas!
[of cats]umm Mom, I had
an Accident...
[Webrings]Cool Webrings
[Love...] Have No Regrets...

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Of course I have my other webpages, but they are not very umm they don't have much of a theme, except for the latter.

[The Delta Mustang]

The Delta Mustang was one of my first attempts at a webpage. Of course the frames version which is recently new does not work that well.

[Stephanie Gething]

This page is just an attempt to get my voice out on the web. It is simple and only a one pager.

Want to Email me? Clicky ”[Email