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Year 2000 Experts

Year 2000 Experts

"Year 2000 Experts" updated 10-8-98
Webmeister - GreenHeart Web Page Design

Year 2000 Experts

Are you with a company or government that needs Cobol and Assembler programmers to rectify your Y2K Millenium Bug problem?

Are you a Cobol or Assembler programmer?

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It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people do not know about the Y2K problem. Of the 3 people that do, only 1 person thinks it will affect them. Many experts say it will not affect just corporations, but more than 85% of the total population will be severely burdened. It is the Year 2000, and it holds some nasty surprises for those who are not prepared.

The Year 2000 Problem or Millennium Bug will wreak havoc on more than just computers. It will affect everything with a microprocessor.

*Own a TV or VCR? 43% will have difficulties working, if they work at all.
*Think your car will start? 38% will not.
*Are your accounts going to be deleted? 76% are at risk.
*Are you or anyone you know dependent on a health care device?
**Over 30 devices have already been identified to fail.**

The airlines are so concerned they are considering a Two month holiday from flying.

The cost to fix the problem is in the $600 billion range.

WHO WILL PAY? YOU WILL. Unless you are ready.

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House adds $1.6 billion to DOD Y2K funding

June 8, 1998

The House Appropriations Committee pumped an extra $1.6 billion in "emergency" funding into the Defense Department's efforts to fix the Year 2000 problem in its thousands of computer systems and to enhance computer security.

The Year 2000 funding consists of an "emergency appropriation that does not come out of DOD's regular budget," a spokeswoman said. An industry source said he thought most of the emergency funding would go to Year 2000 work rather than computer security because Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre "has made a strong case that [the Year 2000] is a national and computer security issue of paramount importance."

Hamre last week told the Senate Authorization Committee that the Pentagon has expended more than $1.9 billion "out of hide" to fix Year 2000 problems in its information systems. This has forced DOD to defer similar expenditures on the development of new systems, Hamre said.

- Bob Brewin

Copyright 1998 FCW Government Technology Group


Links Regarding the Millenium Bug

Y2K Spells One Big Traffic Jam


Fixing Year 2000 Woes May Cost $5.4 Billion


Gary North - Y2K Problem


Year 2000 Solution - Internet Communications

_ - legal considerations


Government Y2K Swat Team

Y2K News Magazine


Fed Battles Bug to Save Economy


Insurers Grapple with Y2K


"Governments Hope For Millennium Computer Salvation"

sponsored by


"U.S. Gets Failing Grade For Millennium Bug Fixes"


"U.S. Fears Year 2000 Bug Could Spook Russian Forces"


"Betting on Millennium Muddle"


Senators call for power grid 2000 safeguards


Countdown For Y2K Bills


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