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147 Annoying Jun-yurisms

....after all, Carly is married to that little Gnome, so any Carly-Loving skank must bash him! 147 times, to be exact!

1. The way he says ''Jase'' ~~ Marg

2. The way he says ''Em'' ~~ Marg

3. The way he whines about his place in the family. ~~ Marg

4. The way he tries to be as tall as Ned. ~~ Marg

5. The way he tries to match wits with Ned (and loses!) ~~ MyGirlCarly

6. The way he pales in comparison to Sonny and Jason but doesn't realize it. ~~ MyGirlCarly

7. The way he desperately seeks validation from his loser family. ~~MyGirlCarly

8. The way he keeps pretending to be a 'winner' when he's just a big 'LOSER'! ~~MyGirlCarly

9. The way he thinks Jason cares about the accident. Not only does he not care,he doesn't even remember it. ~~ Scout78

10. The way he thinks Emily should believe anything he says, even after that kid napping fiasco on her birthday last year. ~~ Scout 78

11. The way a suit wears him, not the other way around. ~~Luckylover

12. The way he kisses Edward's @ss over everything. ~~ luckylover

13. The pathetic way he says, ''Dad'' when talking to/about Alan. ~~ luckylover

14. The way he goes after anyone who tries to make fun of him, and makes himself look worse. ~~ luckylover

15. The way he kisses Edward's butt over and over completely forgotten that just last year Edward had no use for him. ~~Ghluver

16. The way he keeps using the stupid excuse that Jason hates him for brain damaging him and that's why he ''stole'' Michael from him. ~~ Ghluver

17. He has zero, if not less than that, social life. ~~ Amy

18. That he's too much of a wuss to get a place of his own. ~~ anita (Oregano)

19. That he thinks Michael is the key to the Executive Washroom. ~~ anita (Oregano)

20. That he's too stupid to realize that the only reason he's tolerated is because he got lucky once in a drunken haze, and produced Michael. ~~ anita (Oregano)

21. That he is stupid enough to think that Jason shouldn't resent him after Jun-yer wrapped Jason around a tree and wiped out his memory. ~~ anita (Oregano)

22. That he threatens his mother in HER house while HE'S living under HER roof. (At least we're all told it's HER house!) ~~ anita (Oregano)

23. Personally, what really annoys me about Jun-yer is that breathing thing he does. I wish he would just stop it. ~~ Boomerang

24. The hands-on-the-hips-head-tilt-back-squint thing. ~~ Wendy

25. Shifting (swaying, rocking) back and forth on each leg in each scene when he should be standing still. The cameraman must be dizzy trying to follow him! ~~ Blizzard

26. That he's pushing (or pulling?) 30 and still lives with mommy. ~~ queenofdarkness

27. That he has no purpose. ~~ queenofdarkness

28. That he thinks he's entitled to be the chairman of a multi-national conglomerate because he managed to tear an infant from the arms of his parents (which is exactly what he intended to do). ~~ queenofdarkness

29. That smug look he gets when he thinks he's manipulating Carly - actually, maybe that's a good thing - it always makes me laugh! ~~ queenofdarkness

30. That he's a boot-lickin', fanny-kissin Shoe Shine Boy weasel mole! He's not worthy enough to change Michael's diapers, let alone have full custody of him. The only thing Junyer is good for is to change the towels at the gym in the PC Hotel! ~~ MyGirlCarly

31. That from the minute he found out that he was a successful sperm donor, he has had every intention of taking Michael away from everyone her loves. ~~Phish

32. That he believed Robin, because ''Robin doesn't lie.'' (can't resist the chance to slam the Slob!) ~~Phish

33. He would have let Alan sit there forever and he didn't even care, because he was just so happy that someone else besides him was the ''Family Looser.'' ~~Felyn

34. He's annoying in any scene that he's in with Carly! ~~Blu

35. He's nothing but a weasel. He's a dog begging for a bone! ~~Kim99

36. I'd like to put him in a dumpster and leave him there! People think Carly was bad for doing that, but at least she called his parents!

37. That Carly should have left his smelly, drugged out, alcohol soaked body right there in the laundry cart, and let the alley cats lick the drool off his cheeks. Call his mommy? NO FREAKING WAY! The stray dogs in the neighborhood needed a place to lift their legs! Carly was going soft on us for a minute! ~~anita (Oregano)

38. That he's the son of two doctors and he has no idea about Rh factors. ~~Lanie Spencer

39. That he challenges Jason to a fight every chance he gets. ~~Lanie Spencer

40. That he seems to think that if Jason actually took him up on one of those fights he'd have a swinging chance. LOL ~~Lanie Spencer

41. That he says ''bad things'' in front of his son about the only man his son has ever known as a father. ~~Lanie Spencer

42. That he whines about how 'it's not fair' every time someone doesn't agree with him. ~~Lanie Spencer

43. That he thinks he's Carly's HERO now. ~~Lanie Spencer

44. That Carly has to sit on the arm of the couch to have a face to face conversation with Jun-yur. ~~anita (Oregano)

45. That he lisps when he get reaaaalllly mad! ~~Lanie Spencer

46. That he thinks that Geriatric Teletubby is going to give him the keys to ELQ! ~~anita (Oregano)

47. He's like a cat hair in your soup. ~~Shawna (Mina)

48. He's like a fly in your lemonade. ~~Shawna (Mina)

49. He's like a hair on the bathroom sink. ~~Shawna (Mina)

50. He's like that ''funny odor'' you can't locate in your house. ~~ Shawna(Mina)

51. He's like a cockroach in the cupboard. ~~Shawna (Mina)

52. He's like that unknown ''crunch'' in an otherwise ''smooth'' food. ~~Shawna (Mina)

53. He's like muddy dog prints on your favorite ivory silk shantung suit. ~~Shawna (Mina)

54. He's like the one rotten kidney bean in a salad bar that makes the whole salad taste spoiled. ~~Shawna (Mina)

55. He's the skin off a popcorn seed that gets caught between your teeth. ~~Anita (Oregano)

56. I hate that you cry and whine more than your biological offspring. ~~Lanie Spencer

57. I hate that you are so weak and pathetic, all Carly has to do is throw a few encouraging words your way and you're licking out of her palm. ~~Lanie Spencer

58. I hate that you're so childish, you will keep your son absolutely MISERABLE just to prove a point. ~~Lanie Spencer

60. I hate that look you get on your face, kind of like the look Carly gave when she ate that salmon you ordered for her, when Jason holds Mikey. ~~Lanie Spencer

61. I hate that you're so spineless, you'll beg your sixteen year old sister not to tell the shrink the truth. ''Please Em, don't do this.'' ~~Lanie Spencer

62. That pathetic way that Jun-Yur begs people take his side over Jason's. ~~Kasie

63. That there's a BIG chair in little Junebug's office ~~Kasie

64. The way he's like gum on my shoe! ~~Karen (sparks)

65. All that huffin' and puffin' he was doing while standing BEHIND Carly! It was as if she were his mama's apron or something and he was hiding behind it. ~~ Shawna (Mina)

66. He's so willing to trust Carly after all the things she's done to him, and she's going to do them again soon, only worse, and he can't even see it coming!~~Shawna (Mina)

67. That he actually makes Tony look like an upstanding model citizen, which in my book has been hard to do over the past year or so. ~~Eric 99

68. That as Jun-yur gets up every morning, he looks in the mirror and says '' many ways can I whine today..'' ~~Blu

69. That he thinks telling a woman that she's eating mushrooms with pig snot on them is seductive. ~~anita (Oregano)

70. He's like the person seated in front of you at the movies who keeps farting. ~~Shawna (Mina)

71. He's like the neighbor's dog who keeps barking all night long when you need your sleep. ~~Shawna (Mina)

72. He's like the neighborhood cat who keeps peeing in your garage. ~~Shawna (Mina)

73. He's like the boogie in the nose of the person you're trying to have a serious discussion with. ~~ Shawna (Mina)

74. He's like the total stranger you meet while standing in line who won't stop talking about things you care nothing about. ~~Shawna (Mina)

75. He's like the relative who tells you EXACTLY how he/she is (sparing NO details) when you say, ''How are you?''. ~~Shawna (Mina)

76. He's like the slowest grocer who has 4 people in line, you're in that line, and the grocer next to you has 15 people in line, and they ALL get out the door before you do. ~~Shawna (Mina)

77. He's like ants in your sugar & flour canisters. ~~Shawna (mina)

78. He's like mice in your pantry. ~~Shawna (Mina)

79. He's like the slush on the roads on my way to work this morning. ~~Lanie Spencer

80. He's like those telemarketers that call you as soon as you sit down to dinner. ~~Lanie Spencer

81. He's like the newscasters that interrupt General Hospital to tell us the President sneezed. ~~Lanie Spencer

82. He's like gum on your shoe. ~~Lanie Spencer

83. He's like dog poop in your yard, that doesn't belong to your dog. ~~Lanie Spencer

84. He's like a mustard stain on your brand new silk blouse. ~~Lanie Spencer

85. He's like a dry clean only tag after you throw it in the wash. ~~Lanie Spencer

86. He's like that moment when you're in the shower & only 1/2 done, and the hot water runs out. ~~Shawna (mina)

87. He's like that lunch you just microwaved @ work, and you're STARVING, and you bite into it, and the middle is still COLD. ~~Shawna (Mina)

88. He's like that foil-wrapped object in your refrigerator that's been in there so long you can no longer identify it. ~~Shawna (Mina)

89. He's like stomach bile. ~~Shawna (Mina)

90. He's like syrup of ipecac. Vomit inducing! ~~Shawna (Mina)

91. He's like cramps when you don't have any tylenol. ~~Scout 78

92. He's like tuna fish salad when you ordered steak. ~~Scout 78

93. He's like the co-worker who keeps asking you to ''cover for me.'' ~~Scout 78

94. He's like the relative that always asks for money. ~~Scout 78

95. He's like a call from a bill collecter. ~~Scout 78

96. He's like the past due notice for your light bill. ~~Scout 78

97. He's like the lint in your dryer. ~~Scout 78

98. He's like the guy that sits next to you on the train and wants to talk to you while you read.~~Scout 78

99. He's like the puddle you stepped in while wearing your new shoes. ~~Scout 78

100. That he's pushing/pulling his thirties, and he still orders a Kiddie Cocktail in restaurants!! ~~Anita (Oregano)

101. The way he's like Frank Burns (a.k.a. Ferret Face) from M*A*S*H* ~~Hausman Girl

102. The Way he blames Michael for not loving him the right way (they do say children can sense LOOZERS). ~~Lou

103. That his idea of a compromise is devoid of logic, common sense, or reason. ~~Lou

104. The way he states his criminal acts in the loudest voice possible! ~~Lou

105. The way the trenchcoat wears Jun-yur and not the other way around (please, AJerk, reference Stefan and Sonny to see how a real man wears one). ~~Lou

106. The way he thinks he actually thinks he stands a chance with Carly. ~~Aradia

107. That the only way for him to get a woman is to guilt trip his brother's leftovers until she feels sorry for his miserable whiny butt and gives in. ~~Aradia

108. that he's like he baby who just keeps crying and crying long into the night even after it's been changed, fed, burped, and held. ~~Shawna (mina)

109. The stupid leering look he keeps giving Carly over dinner. ~~Lucky-n-Love

110. Because he was too drunk to remember the best sex he ever had! ~~Lucky-n-Love

111. That he's the Fredo Corleone of the TV world...passed over elder brother, family loser. ~~ anita (Oregano)

112. That he has terminal ''white-man's-disease'' on the dance floor. ~~anita (Oregano)

113. That his father has to encourage him by telling him all the things he COULDN'T do as a child (but Jason could). Makes you wonder what they consider BAD things to tell Jun-yur. ~~anita (Oregano)

114. That he orders fish for his date each time they go out and can't see her practically drooling at the sight of his steak. ~~anita (Oregano)

115. That Annabel's been missing since Jun-yur moved home. He must have made one too many passes at her, or kept buying her tuna fish. ''I'm a dog, not a cat, you moron!'' ~~anita (Oregano)

116. The sense God Gave Gnats, but missed Jun-yur completely! ~~SIPort

117. That he's too pathetic to do ANYthing right! ~~Lanie Spencer

118. He can't even steal his brother's girl! ~~Lanie Spencer

119. He can't even torch a warehouse and keep his yapper shut about it for two seconds. ~~Lanie Spencer

120. That he can't even tip off the newspapers without coming out looking like a world-class idiot. ~~Lanie Spencer

121. That he's too smarmy to feel sorry for. He's justa LOSER. ~~Lanie Spencer

122. That he thinks he has CARLY under control. Not even Jason would ever say something like that! ~~Tiffany

123. That he's a little boy trying to play with the big kids in the sandbox. ~~TerriL.

124. That he tries to give a QVC Diamonique ring to a woman who clearly can't stand him and would squash him like a bug at the first opportunity! ~~anita (Oregano)

125. Why didn't Faison snatch jun-yur? Because even a whacko doesn?t want a whining loser on his hands. And besides, who the hell would want him back? ~~marg

126. That his little brother is man enough to do shirtless scenes, but when's the last time we saw Jun-yur in one? (and why would we want to??) ~~anita 127. That he has the NERVE to buy Carly an ugly suit from K-Mart in an effort to tell her WHAT she should be wearing. ~~anita

128. That the sound of Carly flushing powder down the toilet conveys more excitment and emotion than any scene Jun-yur is in. ~~anita

129. After spending what must have been AGES rummaging through Crackerjack boxes to find Carly the perfect engagement ring, he still managed to come up with some sublimely idiotic lines: ''I'm not perfect.'' ~~Ahli

130. Regarding the prenuptual agreement: ''This is going to take some finessing.'' Then you better leave that job to someone else, Big Weenie. Finesse is something you're sorely lacking. ~~Ahli

131. There was jr's 73,758,735,094th speech to Monica about taking Jason's side. I'm afraid all I got out of that was: ''Waaa waaa waaaa you love Jason more than me waaa waaaa waaa waaa waaa waaa always taking Jason's side waaa waaaa waaa waaa waa waaa waaaa waaa waaa waa poor me waaa waaaa waaa waaa waa waaa waaaa waaa waaa waa waa.'' ~~Ahli

132. The way he takes care of business. Whine until things go your way. ~~marg

133. Jun-yur, if you can't handle Carly, you'll never be CEO of ELQ. Or be block captain. Or even be the floor monitor during a fire drill. ~marg

134. Give it up, Jun-yur. Pack up your sneer, your whine, and your bib like ties and get lost! ~~marg

135. What's wrong with the GH hairdressers that they can't give Jun-yur a cut and color? ~~ Karen

136. He's a horny toad! Literally. Like a teenager looking at his first Playboy. ~~Karen

137. That he looks and sounds the same in every scene no matter what the scene is about...DREADFUL. ~~Bauer (MB)

138. That ''Sex-u-up'' look he gets with Carly. Nightmares...I'm having nightmares! ~~Bauer (MB)

139. The HAIR! What's that all about?! He'll be using hot rollers, soon! ~~Bauer (MB)

140. That he's looking like a damned vagrant with that oversized shirt and the WAY past due for a haircut wig he insists on keeping. What the hell is goin on up on that head of his? ~~marg

141. That in all his ''executive splendor'' he comes off looking like a *Glamour Don't* ~~marg

142. That leer he gives Carly when the juices start flowing make him look like a boy right in the middle of puberty seeing his first Penthouse centerfold. ~~marg

143. That the only person Jun-yur feels superior to in this world is someone with brain damage that HE inflicted. ~~marg

144. Skinny Dipping. Lord. The idea of Scrappy-Do in trunks is too much to bear. ~~marg

145. That Jun-yur has totally ruined the lost art of skinny dipping for me for the rest of my life. ~~anita (Oregano)

146. That Jun-yur has obviously raided Mac Scorpio's ''snap-on'' hair collection, or has pasted a Chia Pet to his scalp! ~~anita (Oregano)

147. The rain forest isn't disappearing!! It's growing on Jun-yur's scalp! ~~anita

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