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If you have information on brothers and sisters in the mission field let us know. We want to make their information available so we can support them

Tim Aumet is in Haiti with his wife and three children. No..he is not in cobu. He left Cobu along time ago, but never left his calling to help the people of Haiti. I will find out how you can support his efforts there, if you want me to.

If anyone would like to write Tim directly in Haiti the address to write is: Tim and Barbara Aument House of Bread Mission Inc. Haiti - The Caribbean Islands PAP/AGAPE 7990 15th St. East Sarasota, FL 34243

House of Bread Mission Inc. 100 S. 8th St. Akron, PA 17501 I just got Tim's quarterly newsletter and the truck their mission had been given by the US Army before they left, now blew a transmission. As far as I know, I don't think they are going to fix it because it is so old and will soon need other work as well. Tim's mission therefore needs a truck, preferrably a four wheel drive vehicle. If anyone happens to have one laying around that they don't need, please let me know. Obviously shipping it down there is a problem as well.


Richard Wurmbrand's site

_______________________________________________________________ >From Jeff Bernstein's Jan. 1999 Newsletter, Gates of Zion: "The Lord had further sharpened and focused our vision ... We have just begun to renovate our new office ... in Almaty. I believe this is to be the first Messianic Jewish Center in Central Asia. Our new congregation [is called] Chaim Chadashim. Many international ministries are making Almaty their HQ for ... outreach ...into the 10/40 window. The 10/40 window is the boundary of the latitudes encompassing the last remaining multitudes of unreached people groups on the earth. I am convinced that we Messianic Jews are called to participate in this final harvest in a very significan way. ... Can I get an Amen?" The Bernsteins: Jeff, Janet, Yaron, Eliya & Ariana live as missionaries in Kazakstan, and request prayer for their evangelistic work. Gates of Zion, P. O. Box 55123, Phoenix AZ 85078-5123 is their US address, and if you want to reach them by e-mail you can contact them at Jeff Bernstein. You would enjoy their newsletter, as Jeff has turned into quite an accomplished writer.

Thanks, bro. you should get that newsletter yourself. It would do your heart good to see what an x-cobu bro is doing in a strategic time in Christian history. It would do us all good to pray for him. He is trying to raise money now for a new center from which to reach Jews who don't even know their Jewish heritage. He actually teached them about being Jewish, and accepting Jesus as the Messiah. It is incredible!
