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Lost and Found

This page helps you find brothers and sisters in and out of the church.

I am not sure who is in the church. Trying to find out is often a traumatic experience.

Email me and I'll try to find the brother or sister.

March 16 1999:::Please post the following brethren that I am hoping to write: Karen and Charlie Hoefel, Linda Trenka, Nina Tagoe, Jane Burkhardt. Thanks!

March 11 1999:::Does anyone know what ever happened to Chris Lee? (I believe that is hislast name) We met at a frat party at York College, York, PA. Became friends, he invited me to the York fellowship where I accepted Jesus, then we moved to Allentown, PA with Ronnie. I moved to New York, and I believe Chris moved to Cleveland, OH. We wrote each other a few times. I heard that in Ohio a truck was found with the keys in it and he was gone. Chris is originally from Oyster Bay, Long Island and only lived in York to attend College. He & I both lived in the dorms. He was so caring. It was his genuine caring that drew me to Jesus in the first place.

Anyone know the phone number for Bob and Jane that lived in Hoboken around 1976. I remember rushing Jane to the hospital to give birth only to find that Bob couldn't remember where the hospital was......I can't remember their last name but any help would be great. Chris Blaise, How you been? Hopefully well. If there is anyone on the list from when I was in COBU/FF, feel free to write me at .1995 New Brunswick, Hoboken, 1996 Atlantic City and Hoboken. 1997 Scranton, Reading and then off to purgatory at w 48th st and w 50th and tenth in NY. If I ever see another carpet!!!!

Actually, the last name was Waldman. Bob and Janet. I'm also looking for Emory(Buddy) Daniels. He left COBU in 1977 in Reading. He had family there. AND Sheila Daniels who also was at the Reading shop. Brethren, thank you for praying for the two seminary women that went to Israel. They were able to stay with a Muslim family and got to share their Christian beliefs with a young woman who is very restricted to her home. One of them exchanged her favorite Bible for the girl's Koran so that she could leave a copy of the Scriptures there, and she then almost got in trouble with the Israeli customs for having a Koran when she left! There was also one point when they visited Hebron that there had been a restriction of that area lifted only that day as there had been violence there recently, but they were okay. They said on public transportation everyone is carrying weapons. They did get to take communion on the Sea of Galilee and found it very meaningful,personally. Thank you for caring about these neat non-cobu sisters.

Looking for Mike Bove. We were in the Utica fellowship long, long ago,where he taught my toddler son and many of us sign language (my son still remembers the signs for thank you, dirty [LOL!], flower, I loveyou), and later in another fellowship that I can't recall. And I can't help thinking about Mike B when signing to the song Amazing Grace, which he so freely taught us. I had the opportunity at one Big Meeting to meet his parents and they were so warm and beautiful. His mom was so friendly and giving of her person. His dad was very funny and engaging, too: 'Bove using the B sign combined with the sign of King.' His sister Linda was a regular cast member on Sesame Street which also brought fond memories of Mike B. Anyone who has had the privilege of meeting and knowing Mike B will understand what a giving and beautiful person he was and how we all benefited from knowing him as he touched us all in our spiritual journeys.

Looking for Debbie Klein, Barry LeVan

February 24 1999:-Patty is looking to contact the following: Bob & Cathy Hillinbrand,Rod Hoffman,George Rice,Diane Lamonica,Tim Kolowitz,George Staczyk,Pete Volipino,Joann Fontana,Faith Weiss,Debbie(maiden name Nickerson)

February 19th 1999: Looking for Carol Michaels, from Gary Jones. and Larry Christopher Tellone is 36 years old, originally from Brooklyn New York, which is where he first became involved with COBU. He was 17 or 18 at the time. We know that he has been active within COBU ever since. His father, tried to get in touch with him a few years ago when his mother was dying, and that led to Larry being in The Denver, CO area. But since he was never able to reach him, even that is unclear as to whether he was actually there. There is not much more to offer as far as information. Larry may using his middle name or an initial or even have changed it. We also know that he may be married. Since the last time Larry's father saw him was shortly before Larry's younger brother died -- what Larry looks like today is a bit of a mystery. I wish I could be more helpful, as I know the more information you might have could increase the likelihood of contacting him. But it's been 17 years. It seems tragic that this estranged family should be stricken with so much heartbreak. Before Larry's Dad passes, this would truly be a gift to him, given all the loss he's had. And somehow I believe, would also be a rewarding experience for Larry as well. If you need specific information, SS#, D.O.B, etc.. please let me know and I will try and get it for you if it's available. Though out expectations are not high, and we try not to get too excited at the idea of possibly re-connecting with Larry. We do genuinely appreciate your continued efforts which remain truly appreciated.


January 18th 1999: looking for Larry Christopher Tellone. He was in COBU for 17 years. His father is dying . If anyone can help us find him.

January 11th 1999:I just wanted to ask you to post does anyone know where Eric Harbert from the from the Acron/Canton area of Ohio is? From Richard Lavedure

January 10th 1999:I am searching for Kelly Ford. First because I love that brother and miss him, and would like to see him again. I also want to ask his forgiveness. Kelly, the last time I saw you I was still in cobu and you had moved out. I went to talk to you as you got off work, and just ended up yelling down the street at you. I felt bad about that even then. I am really sorry now that I know what I was trying to get you back into. Please forgive me. I'm praying for you. Just in case you feel like calling or writing, Mike has my info. Sincerely, Dave Paradis

January 10th 1999:I am looking for Bill Lauzus, Susan McCollough (from Mississippi), Chuck and Sara (Kline) Mollison (by the way,the "leaders" picture had a young Chuck Mollison in it as well)....Ed Smith, Faye White (never moved in, from the D.C. area), Jane Burkhardt...thanks a lot. from Pete Walejeski

Jan 5th:Looking for Georgine and Louis Martinez; Lester O'Reilly [?sp]; Sonia Savage(Still in ) the Levins; Ronnie Chameriz [?sp]; Grace and Judy Odums.

Nov24: Looking for Dave Bell.

Nov 16: Looking for Judy(Odums)Summers.

Nov.14: Looking for Joanne Hecht and Sharon Cushing

Mike Popadyk

Claude and Craig Pelkey(from Woddbridge VA)if you are in that area,look them up and tell them Mike Montoya is asking about them

Gary Jones from Erie Pa.

Paul&Josephine Inman

Paul& Valencia Jones just left fellowship. I would like to get in touch with them

A request for Mary Pierce. Anyone know where Mary is.

A request for the whereabouts of a brother named Rich Whiteley. There are reports that he has gone to be with Jesus. Two brothers are looking for him. Please, if you know what happened to him.


January 10th 1999: Mary Pierce lives in one of the boroughs; keeps in touch with a few sisters, possible Carol (Pozzutto) Koenig and Mary Jane Grant and Julie (Jacobs)Meehan. Sharon Cushing lives in Queens, NY and keeps in touch with Dawn Candy. Joanne (Hecht) Schafer lives in Columbus, Ohio and is married; goes to church. Ronnie (Chimarys) Weiss married Lonnie Weiss and they live in N.J.; they go to a good church and keep in touch with many of us.

Whoever was asking about Melanie Arkelian, email Mike Montoya.

Grace Odums found

Gary Jones from Erie Pa found

Claude and Craig Pelkey found