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The Nintendo Master Page

The Place loyal to Nintendo!

This is the only place that you can find the best Gamecube info that's out in the web!

The N-Master Band!

The song: "Rio"
system/artist: DuranDuran
were have you heard it?: DuranDuran cd's and concerts

My comments about the song / Famous saying:

This is for my dad. This is one of his fave' songs!
-the nmaster

I'm a music freak so I'll have different music every time I update the page!

The N News!

Links for my Page!
well, took the sales of the new Zelda  game
and the sale of PS2 games and guess who won!?!

The Nintendo Master knows that people want games and game codes so for now, there will be only codes in the code page and no fancy graphics(at least for now...).

Now i have partners for my page! meet neo and nfreak! they both will help you on your quest on nintendo!
neo on GC and GBA!
nfreak is working on some reviews!
Me, Im doing the rest! you see, its hard to write everything down so i brought some topics into smaller parts for my partners and me to handle. cool huh!

The Nintendo Master!



Pick your system:
review of games and system

Nintendo 64
review of games and system

Game Boy/Game Boy Color
review of games and systems

Game Boy Advance- Soon to come out!
review of games and system

Gamecube- Soon to come out!
review of games and system

The N-Master Music Page!!!-Come here to listen to your
                                                 fave Nintendo songs!

The N-Master Trivia Challenge!!!- Sorry. Coming soon!

The Official Nintendo Page



NMASTER64@HOTMAIL.COM -email the nintendo master if you want a code and I will have it on soon on the code page of your system! also email me to make a song request to be on my page!

NEO2004@HOTMAIL.COM-here is neo. he has power to the Game cube and GB advance. have any questions about them? Email him!

NFREAK2000@HOTMAIL.COM-email Nfreak to make a request on the reviews. his special games are Beetle adventure racing and star wars: epsode 1 racing!

                (no bad stuff please. ONLY Nintendo!)



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   Click here to vote for me in top
75 nintendo web pages


Disclaimer: As you know this page is unofficial. if you find pictures or info that you think has been copied and don't want it to be on this site, please e-mail me and i will take it off pronto ASAP!!! 

Info about the web spinner.
Well, i'm Joey, just a little hi-tec farmer in Los Lunas, New Mexico. I'm now attending Los Lunas High School. Go Tigers! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY PAGE!

To all of my friends that help make this possible: 
Ian, David, Jim,and Chris.

This site has been visited this many times! Thank you Nintendo Fans!