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The page of opinions.  Each of these links leads to an epinion review of a particular product or service.  Please follow the links for more information.

Marilynn's epinion start page
This page will take you to the beginning of my epinions journey.  If you have opinions to express, please feel free to join or start an epinions account from here.

 An opinion about the evenflow locking baby gate
A survivor. . .

                                by: marilynn..  (Sat Jan 6 '01)

                                Pros:  Inexpensive, easy to use, sturdy, quality at a bargain
                                Cons:  Takes a bit of getting used to the locking mechanism on
                                the first try. Can provide a convenient ladder for ambitious

 Breastfeeding and diet   Eat, drink, nurse your baby...

                                by: marilynn..  (Sat Dec 9 '00)

                                Your diet has a tremendous amount to do with how your new
                                baby feels. I did not believe this at first. I did find out later that
                                my son, Matthew reacted badly when I ate any food with raw or
                                cooked cabbage in it. 

 Please nurse your baby   Breast feed -- Just Do It!

                                by: marilynn..  (Sat Dec 9 '00)

                                Okay so I borrowed the Nike logo. Forgive me, please. But the
                                way things are in the USA everything we do is approached as a
                                sport. And breast feeding like everything else has its enthusiasts.
                                I don't know if bottle feeders are quite so enthusiastic, maybe it's
                                those hormones? Who knows? 

 A humidifier that works well at a reasonable price ...
                               Relief ... so quiet

                                by: marilynn..  (Fri Oct 20 '00)

                                Pros:  Efficient, no filters, no mess, works quietly, inexpensive
                                Cons:  no off on switch

                                I bought this product out of desperation. My 4 year old was
                                suffering from stuffy nose and congestion brought on by winter
                                indoor heating conditions and not enough moisture in the air. She
                                struggled every night for a month to breathe. She woke, she
                                coughed, she wanted to sleep in my bed. She cried...etc...

 The Bailey Nurture III breast pump is a dream come true...

                                Convenience can be affordable

                                by: marilynn..  (Fri Oct 13 '00)

                                Pros:  Fast, efficient, economical
                                Cons:  none

                                I purchased my Bailey Nurture III from a catalog ad. The photo
                                does not show the carry case which is a styro-foam cooler with a
                                zip-top pouch for the pump and bottles. Also three storage
                                bottles came with my pump. At times the whole contraption was
                                a bit bulky, but well worth the effort.

 Homebirth -- an experience to remember       Born at home--no drugs, no surgery, safely

                                by: marilynn..  (Mon Nov 27 '00)

                                Okay, this review is somewhat graphic, but well, that's what
                                makes life interesting, eh?
                                My first birth occurred in the middle of January, 1982. I had
                                planned a home birth all along. I sought the medical advice of a
                                qualified OB/GYN in my community. He charged me his usual fee,
                                even though I repeatedly told him that I was planning a home
                                birth. I also had enlisted the aid of a midwife who actually worked
                                with me in planning this birth. She stuck with me throughout.

 Hi Newman's page of guitar lessons and links 

 Marilynn Newman's home page 

 Jackson County Tennessee--Band Booster's home page