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Taryn's homepage!

Last Updated April 17, 2004

Welcome to MY Homepage!!!!

NEW: (4-17-04) There has been a lot going on lately, so I just got back from relieving my stress. See this Hummingbird. It isn't the best picture, but I will get a better one soon.

I spent the Christmas and New Year's holidays in Barbados again. That was quite fun and a great get away from the loss here at home. It gave me a chance to deal with things and relax. Not many pictures taken this trip, but I will post them soon on the Barbados page. As for now, I am posting the pictures of my Valentine's flowers from Nick and his family. The Balloon , Flowers , closer view , and the TeddyBear with chocolate are from Nick. The Flowers in pretty vase are from his godmother, Patpat.

For those who have not yet heard, we lost my grandma (Edith McKain) on November 18th, 2003. That same day, the family dog (Annie, a beagle) was put down. She had taken ill the day my grandma had her fall. After that she was never the same, so when Grandma died, we decided to put the dog down with her. They were good friends in life and are now together in death. To replace that dog, my brothers have now adopted a new dog, a minature pincher(sp) named Hope .

my new hairstyle (6-14)
another view
Carrie on 6-14

Here is a link to projects from my Grad class, fall 2002. Class Projects

Here are pictures I took in Socorro, NM on 1-18-03. Dinner in Socorro


Check out my summer 2002 and Summer 2003 vacation pics. I went to Barbados in the Caribbean! It was amazing.

I found an old picture of my grandparents that they had added to a site for my grandpa's ship in WWII. I downloaded it and am now adding it to my page. Check it out at: Nanny and Poppa .

[From: FEB. 4, 2000]: Check out what I did to ring in Y2K! (since this page came about because of my brother, Ryan.. check out this image of my other brother, Travis.)

At my computer class for Educators in April 2001, we worked on WebQuests in groups. Here is my groups webquest. It isnt completely done yet, but its a good start.

In the school year 2001-2002, I participated in RETA (Regional Education Technology Assistance), a technology class for teachers. For our final project, my group created a unit on the 1980's. Check these two links to see a fun thing we created:

Teacher model

student model

One of my favorite sites to look for books and music is

Search Now:
In Association with

Check out Brylane Home and see if you can find anything you like!!

NEW PICTURES OF MY FAMILY (August 7, 2003) Family.

I finally have a picture of my mom to add now too. See her here.

Check back often for updates:

A little about myself:

Hi. Well I just graduated in May 2003 from New Mexico State University (NMSU). I have just completed my Master's in Special Education.

I grew up in Casper, Wyoming.

In my free time, (which isn't often) I like to write. I will write anything that I feel. I've written stories and plays, but my favorite things to write are poems and letters. Slowly I will post some of my writing. (UPDATED August 7, 2003)

I am a big Disney fan as some people know.

Page Started: Feb. 16, 1998.

A few links to start with:

Ebb of Reality! The Homepage of a mud where I can be found! I use my real name when I mud. (real creative ;), huh? )
MirageMud! another mud I can be found at.
Mystique! and yet another mud you can find me on.

On March 31, 2000 I decided to be daring. It is not a great picture but it will do for now. Check out my Tattoo! .

Feel free to mail me with comments

Or get ahold of me on my ICQ page

If you like Word Puzzles (I do and can use them in my classroom as a teacher), check out Wordsheets