Councils of War

I had a vision of the Father's throne room. In this vision the Father led me from the throne room to an inner room in His house. We went through a hallway, or corridor to get to a large room where people were gathered. (On the way we passed by different rooms. There were people inside and they glanced up as we walked by.) In the large room to which He led me, were all the prophets who have gone before, and Abraham, and some others. I took a seat, at some sort of desk, and the Father went and stood up in the front. Everyone looked at Him expectantly. He was standing by a board, and on the board was written "Councils of war." Immediately the Father said something and it seemed to me that it was "Let us pray." Well, I began to doubt whether what I was seeing was right because why would you need to pray in heaven? A moment later, I heard someone at the door and everyone stood up respectfully and turned towards the door. Jesus came in. I saw that what my mind had perceived as "prayer" was really just the Father and us calling Jesus. "Prayer" is talking to Jesus.

Jesus came in and He was wearing a cloak, which billowed around Him. There were clouds, like mist, surrounding Him, which blew His cloak around, and swirled and dissipated around Him. He came in and sat down. (The significance of the cloudy mists was revealed later.)

I was reminded as I sat there, of the spirits gathering before the Father, talking about what should be done to entice Ahab to going to war, with one suggesting one thing, and another something else. (I Kings 22:19-23) This meeting is similar. It is connected to the turning that has occurred in the spiritual realm, which has been revealed by the Holy Spirit, to many of His Remnant. Jesus had previously declared war, and now He is waging that war against the enemy and the false teachings of the religious. The Father is holding a council to decide what He wants to do now, and what He wants His Remnant to do and to say.

What the Remnant have been doing up to this time, is warning the church and the world and whomever will listen that judgment is coming. This alarm that has been sounding world-wide is from the Holy Spirit.

Now there are new plans being laid concerning how Jesus and His army will attack the religious strongholds that are in place. The enemy has helped the religious church to erect these strongholds. I am not referring to a particular building or denomination. The strongholds are the lies and false doctrines, fostered by the enemy, and accepted by man, that separate people from Jesus. The enemy's stronghold is not wherever it is that he dwells, but his strength is in the lies that he leads others to believe. This is why the Father says the lambs are being poisoned. The lambs are separated from Him. They can't come to Him by faith and know Him, because faith comes by hearing and the church has not been speaking these words to them, so the lambs are not hearing them. How can they believe when they have not heard? The disobedient church does not teach that you can know Jesus and you MUST know Jesus. Because of these doctrines from the enemy, many religious people will stand before Jesus expecting reward, only to have Him say, "DEPART FROM ME. I NEVER KNEW YOU."

Lambs are taught to come to church and read their Bibles. Of course the Bible is from God. It was written by the Holy Spirit and is true. However, the Bible will not return on a white horse with its robes dipped in blood. The Son of God will. His name is Jesus and He is not happy about the fact that so many do not know Him because the church has allowed this "doctrine of demons" to be believed and accepted in such a wide-scale manner. Lambs are not even being taught by the disobedient church, to call Jesus by His name. They constantly refer to Him as "Lord." Do you always refer to your husband by his title, or do you call him by name because you know him and love him? Why would it be any different with Jesus?

He has sent His Spirit to call the Remnant to come to Him, wait on Him, and hear His plans of warfare. Some will see visions, some will have dreams, some will hear Him speak, but all must come to Him, fasting and praying, and wait on Him for His will. And His will right now is WAR.

The Holy Spirit gave a prophecy earlier called "THEY DARE TO OBEY," in which He talks about His prophets who have had spears, labeled "false prophet" thrown at them by those in the church. Now He is showing the Remnant throwing those spears back at the church, (which is full of religious people) and the enemy. The Father showed a large spear prepared to be thrown into the enemy himself, and on it was written the word "LIAR."

The page He told us to put on the web site, which exposes false doctrines is a part of this. One of the weapons of the Remnant is light, which exposes the works of darkness. The Remnant, and those who are religious, are going to come to words and arguments, because sides are being drawn in the spiritual realm. The example that Jesus gave to us is the uniting of Herod and Pilate. They had been enemies, (Luke 23:12) but they became friends on the day that they united to crucify Jesus. That was a bond forged by the enemy. The same will (and is) happening now. There is a bond being forged (by the enemy), which unites the religious who reject the judgement Jesus is bringing to them.

Jesus says, "The church has failed Me." The religious say, "Those who bring this judgement are false and deceived and not of God." The religious are coming against the Remnant, who in obedience to the Father, are pointing out the truth and are bringing the judgement which is on His table to their door. Instead of repentance, they will choose to fight the Remnant armies which are led by the living God. Sides are being drawn.

This Council of War has to do with plans on the part of the Father as to what He will have His Remnant do, the words and warnings He wants them to give, and etc. (I don't know what the etc. part is.) He will reveal these plans, which are now being laid in the heavenlies, to His Remnant.

Concerning the mists that surrounded Jesus:
The Holy Spirit had shown through a prophecy entitled, JESUS CLEANSES HIMSELF, Jesus washing Himself clean of the prayers of the selfish, disobedient church. Now, He shows that the mists are representative of the passionate cries and prayers and tears of His Remnant, who see the state of the fallen church, and the lambs, and the world, and who are crying out to Jesus for HIS WILL. These cries and tears are precious to Jesus, and He carries them with Him everywhere. He promises to answer these heartfelt prayers.

In Jesus' name,
Char Tierney

P.S. I also saw some colors in the mist surrounding Jesus. The three colors that I saw were blue, green and pink. (The pink was a pale purple.) Later the Holy Spirit showed a brother in Jesus what the colors represent. The blue represents revelation, the green represents growth (maturity), and the pink represents health. These three colors are promised to the remnant who loves Jesus. Revelation is what the Holy Spirit will give us as we wait on Him in the throne room of God. Maturity is to become mature and see the truth from His perspective. The health is the healing promised to those who were obedient and left the fallen church, in order to come to the Father's throne room in faith. It is healing in the body and in the spirit.

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