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Summer Solstice Spread 2005

Summer Solstice 2005

On June 21st, 2005 we celebrate the Summer Solstice (also known as Litha and Mid-Summer). The solstices are markers on the seasonal calendar, and as such are also markers for significant sections of our personal year. What does summer signify to you, and how do you plan to celebrate it?

The new growth of Spring is maturing into beautiful leaves and flowers, the fields have been planted, and we are looking at a time of taking responsible action towards Mother Earth so that, in the fall, we have the abundance that we need to carry us through the winter months. June is also a traditional month for weddings.

The Summer Solstice honors Mother Earth, and that which is feminine in nature. In my research (always looking for something "new to me"!), I found two interesting items relating to the Native American tribes and the celebration of solstices and equinoxes. Both items referred to landmarks: the first is a twenty acre natural amphitheatre in Vermont, called "Calender One" by its modern day discoverer; the second being the Big Horn Medicine Wheel, located west of Sheridan, Wyoming.

With the permission of Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman, I am using a spread from Guide To The Sacred Rose Tarot to act as a reading (or meditation) for this Summer Solstice.

The Elemental Power Spread

4 3 2 1

1. Fire/Physical Reality - Yod
2. Water/Emotional Reality - Heh
3. Air/Intellectual Reality - Vau
4. Earth/Integration or Result - Heh
5. Foundation/Motivating Force
6. Long range future outcome.

The following questions were what I focused on for each card position for the Summer Solstice:

1. What seeds have you planted in your spiritual life, and how are you nurturing them?

2. What dreams are coming to you? What is your intuitive truth? What are you being told to release, and what are you being told to nurture?

3. What are your current beliefs? How are they being supportive of you? How are they holding you back?

4. What seeds have been planted in your physical environment - in your home, in your career? How do you feel about them? How are your nurturing them? Are they serving you well?

5. How do you see yourself fitting into your community? What part are you currently playing? What part would you like to play?

6. What kind of future are you moving towards by nurturing your present goals/beliefs?

I drew the following cards from the Sacred Rose Tarot. What would your interpretation be?

Johanna suggests that if you wish clarification, draw three more cards, placing them in a triangle around the number six card. Place card number seven to the left of card number six, place card number eight over card number six, and place card number nine to the right of card number six.

My wish for each of you is a Midsummer's Eve filled with Magick, Mystery, and unending Joy!


Gargiulo-Sherman, Johanna. Guide to the Sacred Rose Tarot. U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 1999.

Gargiulo-Sherman, Johanna. The Sacred Rose Tarot. U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 1982.

Scans of the Sacred Rose Tarot are copyright 1982 U.S. Games, Inc. Further reproduction is prohibited.

© June 2005
Bonnie Cehovet

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