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Self-Discovery through Color

author: Vicky Wall
Healing Arts Press/Inner Traditions
1991 - Vicky Wall, 2005 - Mike Booth
ISBN #159477065-4

In the last few years I have found myself taking on the persona of someone of my Great Aunt's generation (I am currently in my 50's). I look for and appreciate those "kinder, gentler" things in life - and this book has turned out to be one of them. I hold the belief that things come to us when they are meant to, for a reason. The late Vicky Wall's work on Aura-Soma came to me for a reason - at this point, I feel the reason is to work on myself. As with all things, that reason will change over time, as I change. The time that I spent with this book was filled with grace and beauty, as I feel Vicky Wall herself was.

Aura-Soma was originally published in 1991 by the English publishing company Thorsons, under the title The Miracle of Colour Healing. In essence, this was Vicky Wall's autobiography, and the history of her life's work with Aura-Soma. This new edition acts to update the development of the Aura-Soma system, working from Vicky Wall's personal manuscripts. An interesting note is that while Vicky Wall saw the Aura-Soma system as working in the physical realm, today's practitioners see it as a tool to modify consciousness and aid in the growth of awareness. However, they do note that there are healing consequences that come from the use of this system.

This reminds me of one of the stories that Vicky Wall shares, concerning a woman that she healed with vibrations from her hands. Some time later this same woman (who did not live in England, where Vicky lived and practiced) came to Vicky's office for another "hands on" healing. When she found that she could not talk her out of it, Vicky performed the healing, but did not charge the patient, and swore her to secrecy. Why would she do that? Because she did not want long lines of patients lined up for "miracle healings", and she did not want to chance having her professional license revoked for using "unprofessional, unproven" methods. She spent days in terror that somehow word of her healing this woman would leak out, and that there would be trouble. Over twenty years later, we still, I feel, have that fear surrounding us. Anything not originating with the AMA (American Medical Association) is seen as suspect and gone after with a vengeance.

Vicky was born in London, England, in 1918. Her mother died from influenza when she was still a small baby, and her father remarried. Her link with her father was strong - he was a seventh child of a seventh child, and so was she. He was a gentle man, a member of the Hasidim, and a master of the Kabbalah and the Zohar. He inherited knowledge of medicinal and healing qualities of living plants, and natural healing methods, which he passed on to his daughter. Unfortunately, her relationship was not so good, and Vicky left home at the age of sixteen.

Vicky apprenticed to a pharmacist for several years, where she began to develop healing skin lotions and creams. From here, she went to London to receive formal training as a chirpodist. She formed a joint practice with a friend, which went on for several years. Vicky developed diabetes, had heart problems and eventually lost her sight. Her external sight. It was at this time that her third eye truly opened up, and her life's work began.

She developed a line of healing creams under the Lincoln Fraser Products label. She named them Miracle creams, and they came in the seven colors of the rainbow. From here came the oils that would become the Equilibrium line that developed into Aura-Soma.

The voice of this book is a soft, gentle voice. It takes the reader on the life journey of a highly evolved lady, and shows the ups and the downs of her journey. (For example, she became estranged from her beloved father after marrying a gentile, and had more than one major health crisis.) Through story, we see that Vicky Wall was clairvoyant from birth, and always had the ability to heal others.

The line of oils that she became famous for - Aura-Soma, came to her in meditation. She was the channel for the information, and she did her best to develop it, and make it available to the broadest spectrum of people. For me, some of the most exciting parts of this book were when Vicky was talking about instantly recognizing someone, upon meeting them, as a soul mate - someone she had known before, someone of the same soul vibrational family. She would describe their auras so decisively that you could clearly see it in your own mind.

Through story, through Vicky's own words, and through and excellent choice of vivid color photographs, we meet Vicky, see where she lived, and who some of the people in her life were. There is a wonderful chart of the human body and the chakra's, and there are scans of the Aura-Soma Quintessences and Pomanders, and page upon page of brightly colored bottles. (The Aura-Soma oils are dual layered, and dual colored - the top layer being made up of colored essential oils and tinctures of crystal energy, and the bottom layer being made up of colored herbal extracts and tinctures of gems.) The colors denote the use for the oils.)

There are wonderful sections on the chakra's, on color and its properties, and an explanation given for the use of each of the different colored bottles. At the end of the book are Appendixes that include a chronology of Vicky Wall's life, a listing of the Aura-Soma Equilibrium range, resources, Chapter notes and a glossary.

Vicky Wall's work is being continued by her associate and chosen successor, Mike Booth. It is through his auspices that the current book was released. Her mission is being carried forward at Dev Aura, the center that she began prior to her death. The Aura-Soma line carries a Chakra set, a New Aeon Child set, and a Master set of oils, as well as the Quintessences and Pomanders.

This is an absolutely stunning book ... it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it will make you think. For anyone who is a healer, is on the healing path, or is simply interested in personal growth and spirituality, this book would make an excellent addition to your library. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

© June 2005
Bonnie Cehovet

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