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Tarot Talks

Tarot Talks

"The Tarot Talks" is a monthly presentation of cards drawn from randomly selected decks (they did, however, volunteer to talk!) that talk about the theme for that month. This month the theme is "the cost of freedom".

This month my decks volunteered in a relatively dignified manner. My non-Tarot oracles are, generally speaking, a bit more well behaved. But they too have something that they want to say. Sit back and enjoy the chaos!

This is "Family" from the Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards, by Sonia Choquette. Family also represents Holy Spirit in this deck. The keywords are security, elation, peace, and family harmony. Our freedom has come at a high price, and we need to honor the sense of peace and security that we now have. (Scan from Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards, copyright 2005, Sonia Choquette. Reproduction is prohibited.)

This is the Goddess Maat, from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Maat is the Egyptian goddess of integrity, fairness, and justice. She protects us in business and personal relationships, and makes sure that we are treated fairly and honorably. Through Maat, the price of freedom is walking our talk. (Scan from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, copyright 2004, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Reproduction is prohibited.)

This is Magic Mirror (The Moon) from the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, by Louis Martinex and Sallie Ann Glassman. The lines between right and wrong grow thin when protecting our freedom. This is a card of magick and deception, truth and illusion. See clearly the price that you pay for your freedom. (Scan from The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, copyright 1992, Inner Traditions. Reproduction is prohibited.)

This is Change, from the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Change assures us that the changes that we have gone through are positive. The price of freedom, and the changes brought about, is worthwhile. We need to not fear these changes, because it is a part of life. We need to be willing to let go of that which no longer serves us well. (Scan from The Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, copyright 2005, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Reproduction is prohibited.)

Next month we take a look at August. Until then -

~May Your Path Be Well Lit And Well Traveled ~


July 2005

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