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Personal Empowerment

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

author: Doreen Virtue
Hay House
ISBN #1-4019-0301-0

This 44 card oracle is a true gift to those who wish to work with Goddess energy. From the book:

Dedicated to the spirit, power and
beauty of the goddess, which exists within
every woman, man, and child.
May the goddess reawaken and bring
feminine balancing energy to the world.
May our feminine strengths of intuition and
nurturing fully emerge.

We need to know that we can call on Goddess energy at any time, that we can bring this energy to us and put it to use in our lives. That is what these cards and accompanying book are all about - defining the energy for these specific Goddesses, and learning how this specific energy can be put to use in our lives.

The accompanying book is entitled "Guidebook for the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards". And guidebook it is, setting us on a journey into the world of Goddesses, and the magic and wisdom that they can bring to us. Covered are some of the better known Goddesses, such as Athena, Diana, Kali, Kwan Yin and Maat, as well as some of the lesser known Goddesses, such as Eireen, Vesta, and White Tara. What they all have in common is that they are all here to help us in some way.

This is an oracle - a deck meant to be used to divine wisdom. Virtue discusses consecrating the deck, string the cards, and the process of giving a reading (for yourself, or for someone else). "What do I need to know today?" and "What do I need to know about this person?" are given as sample questions. The wording of the question is important, because it needs to be clear, concise, and specific in order to get the best answer.

Virtue discusses cards that "jump out" of the deck when being shuffled (from my Tarot background, I would give these errant fellows great importance), and how to deal with cards that appear in a reversed position. As a focus point, Virtue suggests the questions : "Which Goddess is with me?", and "Which Goddess would be best for me to work with?" Which brings up an excellent point: we can thank the Goddess energy that is there, and/or we can call in specific Goddess energy to help us on our path.

Each card is presented in the book with a small black and white scan, a keyword, a message from each specific Goddess, and what the card means in a reading, followed y a short discussion of the Goddess. It is interesting to note that the artwork in this deck comes from several different artists.

The cards themselves are on high quality, glossy cardstock. They are approximatley 3 1/2" by 5". The backs are a beautiful golden color, with a light white/gold inner border, followed by a light white/gold circle with a crown in the center, featuring red and blue gemstones. The face of the cards has the Name of the card at the top, followed by a keyword. In the center of the card is an illustration of each Goddess, with a message across the bottom.

The Goddess Artemis is shown over a gold background. Her keyword is Guardian. She is shown wearing white garment, holding her bow and arrow ready to fire. In the background we see an animal poised against a red-gold sky, with a fire burning in the lower left hand corner. The message reads: "You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected."

 The Goddess Butterfly Maiden is shown against a light blue background. Her keyword is Transformation. She appears at the entrance to a cave, wearing colorful wings, surrounded by butterflies. Through the cave opening we see a bright blue sky filled with friendly clouds. her message is: "You are experiencing enormous change right now, which brings great blessings."

 The Goddess Isis is shown against a light lavender background. Her keyword is Past Life. She wears a white gown, with an Egyptian type headdress.In the background we see trees and mist. her message is: "This situation involves your past-life memories."

 The Goddess Maat is shown against a light seagreen background. Her keyword is Fairness. We see the Goddess, dressed in gold, holding a set of scales. On one side of the scale is the feather that ones heart is weighed against. There are several white doves surrounding Maat, and she wears a white feather in her headdress over her Third Eye. The background behind her is misty, and seen through an arch. Her message is: "This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner."

I found this to be a wonderful deck to work with. It can be used on either an individual or a group basis, and acts as a gateway to ancient self-knowledge. Working with this deck is also an excellent way to get to know the Goddesses, and the energy that they carry.

© May 2005
Bonnie Cehovet

Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.

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