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Tarot Art Calendar 2005

Throughout the year 2004 I have had the great good luck to have the 2004 Tarot Art Calendar (by the extraordinary artists Arnell Ando and Leslie Cochran) in plain view when I look up from my computer. It has given me inspiration, solace, and a "safe place" to go when things are not going well. I very much look forward to moving gently into 2005 with that same "safe place".

The calendar is 8 1/2" by 11" - made from sturdy, high gloss, quality cardstock (this is not called a Collectors Edition Calendar for nothing!). (Note: The graphic above shows a black outline that is not there in real-life - the cover is white, with black lettering, featuring a collage of illustrations - and stamps - from the calendar.) I have calendars from past years (non-Tarot themes) that sit in drawers, waiting for a purpose. My Tarot Art Calendars are going to be displayed, so that they can continue to bring joy. :)

Each year Arnell and Leslie include wonderful surprises for those that pre-order. (Unfortunately, it is too late to pre-order for the 2005 calendar. Make a note on your calendar for next year!) This years surprises included post cards of the images from the calendar,along with a set of stamps using images from the calendar (on sticky paper, so they can be used - along with regular postage, not instead of!). Artists can be so very creative - I love the surprises that come with pre-ordering!

Each artist has done 6 of the 12 (signed) illustrations, and written the text that accompanies it. The "look" for this years calendar is one that is dear to me - one of nostalgia, of reflecting back to the past - mixing elements to bring a touch of fantasy and a sense of timelessness to our lives. Below are samples from each of the artists. I am sure that you will all agree, this is a "Magickal" work!

The Fool by artist Arnell Ando (representing April), depicts an old time "out west" Sheriff, walking the streets under a full moon. Look closely at this illustration - you may not be able to see it in this scan, but the house is wearing a "face", with an eye in the opening on the top of the room on the left hand side of the picture, and a nose and lips beneath that as part of the building! We see a shadowy figure in the downstairs window, and really have to "wonder" about this house! The text reads:

The Fool - April Fool's Day

The Fool was created during a Blue Moon (7/31/04) so it has a decidedly dreamy air. His sweet, romantic face compliments the tough cowboy exterior. He carries love notes close to his heart. He may be in a dream or he may be on a dream patrol as he wanders t he streets of this sleepy town. The house is full of haunting women, drawing him near. He beckons to his dog but the dog is staying put! This man's best friend wants to bring his master back to the house of dreams. The Fool carries a compass and a book of dreams, but even so ... he is still wandering in the dark.

Arnell Ando

The Hermit, by artist Leslie Cochran (representing August), is quite an interesting figure. He is shown walking out of his front door, leaving a cup of hot tea on the table, and his memories behind him. The text reads:

The Hermit - Virgo

The old Hermit leaves the warmth of his simple cabin, to climb the stepping-stones that lead up the hill. Breathing in the frosty night air, he is silhouetted against the endless depths of the night sky. A freshly brewed pot of Labrador tea awaits his return. But a questing for the great mystery pulls him outward. When he speaks, his advice is deceptively simple "Stack your woodpile high, you will survive."* Yet these m ay be the exact words that a seeker needs to hear.

The Hermit is portrayed very reverently by my husband Chris Cochran, walking through our garden gate.

* From the story "Early August/Late September" written by Jeffrey R. Hinich, from his forth coming book: "Just Like A Maple Leaf".

Leslie Cochran

Every month drew me to it, for different reasons. The Magician (January), strumming his banjo to call the white rabbit out of hiding has a decidedly "elemental" feel to it. The Lovers (February) makes me want to go back and live in the "easier" times that it depicts. The Hierophant (March), is depicted by a schoolteacher (of the one room school variety) with deep spiritual leanings. The Empress (May) is a card that makes you want to say "I know that woman!" Look closely - one hand holds a pomegranate, while the other holds a ribbon that is attached to a bubble that encapsulates an incubating baby. The Chariot (June) is a wonderful card of allegory - showing an old, dysfunctional vehicle with a mature tree growing through it. The cool thing here is that the car represents the machine of government! Strength (July) shows a woman, dressed in white, petting a lion. This IS a card of personal confidence! Justice (September) is filled with symbology, but what attracted me the most was the "innocence" of the figure portraying the Lady. Death (October) is an absolutely astounding card! Floating over an old fashioned typewriter we see faces, as well as a faceless form. Memories being released. For the writer in me - this was a scary moment because it was truth. The Wheel (November) is a stunning collage showing a pair of hands at the bottom of the picture, with round watch faces above it, representing different aspects of time. The Hanged One (December) shows an interesting portrayal of destiny - which we all need to remember that we do have a hand in!

This is a limited edition calendar (a run of 100). To view scans from the calendar, and to check availability (what a nice holiday gift this would be!), please visit

The Tarot Art Calendar is a very special calendar, done by two special ladies. May this project continue for many, many years to come!

© October 2004
Bonnie Cehovet

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.