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The Reluctant Shaman

Shape Shifting

author: John Perkins
Destiny Books
Inner Traditions International
ISBN #0-89281-663-5

The sub-title for this book is Shamanic Techniques For Global And Personal Transformation. And that is exactly what the book is about - transformation and change. Shape Shifting in its highest form, with the intent of bringing a healing to all of mankind. This book is written in the form of one of the oldest languages available to us - the language of story.

Woven into the story is the journey of John Perkins - from when he was a college student turned Peace Corps worker all the way through his work in the corporate world to his owning his own company, and the formation of the Dream Change Coalition ( It is a story of two worlds - that of the corporate presence, especially the giant mega-corporations that savage the world of its resources, and of the indigineous peoples of the Amazon rain forest (primarily the Shuar and Achuar tribes).

The basic precept behind shapeshifting is that everything is energy - and that to change - or shift - shape, it is necessary to merge energy fields with the object being shifted into. This sounds simple - but it requires a thorough understanding of that which we chose to shape shift into, or it doesn't work. John Perkins gives us three models, or levels of shapeshifting to work with: the cellular level, taking the seeker from one world to another, as in human to plant or animal; the personal level, which deals with becoming a "new" person, with healing and leaving behind old, destructive patterns; and the institutional level, which deals with creating new business and cultural identities.

There are some very specific techniques discussed here for doing different types of transformation. They don't sit at the end of a chapter, or between chapters, or as an appendix. They are part of the stories, and the people that John Perkins encounters. There are many layers to them - but they can be practiced by anyone who wishes to bring change into their life. On a wider level, John Perkins shows how corporate change can be brought about, how the goals of our companies can be brought in line with the goals of mankind.

This is a book well work reading - a book to keep for reference, a book to work with, a book that will keep the reader centered and humbled in his/her life. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is an experience waiting to happen.

(c) August 2003
Bonnie Cehovet

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