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The Mask Of Power: Discovering Your Sacred Self

The Mask of Power: Discovering Your Sacred Self
by Lynn V. Andrews

illustrator: Delia Frees
Harper Collins Publishers
ISBN 0-06-250012-0

I have followed the work of Lynn Andrews for many, many years. Her cards of empowerment (The Power Deck: The Cards of Wisdom) sit right by my computer - part of my "card a day" regime of personal empowerment. All of her works have served to focus my path - to help lead me to the center of myself, to be the very best person that I can be - to truly 'walk my talk".

Lynn is a student and teacher of shamanism - in it's truest, broadest sense. She was initiated into the Sisterhood of the Shields by Agnes Whistling Elk, and has undergone many journey's to discover who she, Lynn, is and what this lifetime is meant to be for her. She is a healer of Mother Earth and All Of Our Relations, who believes that before we attempt to heal Mother Earth we need to heal ourselves.

"The Mask Of Power" is a workbook on sacred mask making - a journey around the sacred wheel in it's own right. If you choose to embark on this journey, you will be creating a personal alter of power and your own sacred shaman's mask - and in the process meeting your own power allies through meditation and journeying. You will visit with each of the mask's that you as an individual wear on a daily basis - and learn how to incorporate them into your own mask of power.

Your sacred mask is a shaman's mask of power - a spirit bridge between the everyday world and the world of spirit. Through journeying into your past, into your dark side, or shadow selves, you will come to know who you really are, and where your power as an individual and a shaman lies. The creation of the alter is an act of ritual - using your sacred mask as a center(ing) piece, and balancing all sides - those objects which denote power in your life represent input from Universe ( staffs, candles, feathers prayer sticks etc), objects that empower you (your diploma, crystals, a sacred pipe - whatever you are proud of) represent input from you, the shaman, and balance the input from Universe. Life Bundles - that which you wish to create, balance Death Bundles - that which you wish to let go of.

As you grow, and your life changes, your alter changes to reflect this. Your alter, and your sacred mask, are tools of empowerment - ceremonial tools that are there to strengthen your sense of self and purpose.

Along your journey you will come to understand the powers of the four directions, and the medicine that our allies in All Of Our Relations have to share with us. You will come to view yourself in a new light - reconnect with all that you are, all that you can be as a woman/man and a warrior.

I highly recommend this journey. It is not to be taken lightly. You must be ready to look deeply into parts of yourself that you would rather not see. If you choose to take this journey - your life will be forever changed in ways that you would never otherwise have comprehended.

(c) Bonnie Cehovet
July 2001

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