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Visionary Networks -

Interactive Tarot readings serve many purposes. For a Tarot reader doing a reading on some aspect of their own life they can act as *second opinions*. For someone looking for a little guidence in the wee hours of the morning when the chat rooms are closed and *live* readers are sleeping (with the exception of expensive 900 lines, which in their way serve their own purpose within the Tarot world) the interactive Tarot rooms are entertaining and informative.

Visionary Networks is one such site. A great deal of work has gone into creating a site representative of the founder of the network - software designer Paul O'Brien, and the face behind the Tarot text, Christine Payne-Towler.

Visionary Network's stated mission is: "To use computers to provide millions of people with authentic mystical experiences. It is our hope that such experiences will rpovide timely insights and timeless wisdon - resulting in a better sense of personal direction."

The presentation of the site is well done. On the introductory page you are offered a "Card of the Day" - showing cards from various decks and their meanings. I like this feature - it allows one to take a peak at many different decks (if you choose to visit often :) ). also offers what I believe is a unique feature - Tarot greeting cards. What a nice way to take a moment and gift a friend with a moment of Tarot sunshine. The site is worth a visit for this feature alone.

You may also link to the Tarot store - where you may purchase the CD ROM "Oracle of Changes" - one of Visionary Networks first endeavers. This is a software program for I Ching divination, including Changing Lines and the Future reading.

A second CD ROM - Tarot Magic - which is a software program for drawing and interpreting Tarot spreads. This comes with full screen animation and a soundtrack.

(A note on the CD's: they can be found on the market bundled with other programs for less money than the *discount* price on

The Tarot store also sells Karma coins - which is the *coin of the realm* for receiving Tarot readings, receiving rewards for sharing and other activities and to make donations which are matched by Visionary networks. Unfortunately, Visionary Networks also compares themselves to an arcade, and karma coins to tokens. They then lay claim to a Tarot arcade containing dozens of the world's most popular decks (true), over 25 detailed spreads (true) and "The world's only encyclopedia of authentic Tarot interpretations specific to any spread position ..." (highly questionable - there are other gifted interactive sites on the internet).

Karma coins may be accumulated by sharing your readings with family and friends. How nice - exactly why would I want a reading specific to my life issues shared with the world?

Also on the introductory page we are gifted with Deepak Chopra's views on the sue of divination in its many forms in everyday life.As a customer, I came here to get a reading. Do I need to be convinced that this is an OK thing to do? Should I take a poll of my neighbors?

A couple of other goodies before we get to the readings themselves. Visionary Networks, through promotes a newsletter devoted to Interactive Divination Systems. To subscribe is free - they gift you with 20 karma coins. A cruise of the back issues offers such topics as "What is Interactive Divination?", "The Synchronicity Principle" and "The Dragon Year of Creative Power". For those truly interested in the subject, this may be worthwhile. has an FAQ section that deals with the basics of what Tarot readings are and how to create your own best Tarot experience. I found this well written and informative for those with only a beginning knowledge of Tarot (or no knowledge at all.

Can we get to the readings already? OK Here are the reading alternatives. The totally free reading consist of three chocies: Celtic 3 card, past/present/future and a one card reading.I love to choose the cards with this program - you may click on a pair of hands that are shuffling the cards to have your spread placed down all at one time, or you may run your mouse over an arc of spread cards and click to choose a card (the cards are face down). After the cards are chosen, you click on one of the cards for an interpretation. There is a nice selection fo 12 decks to choose from - starting with the Rider-Waite and going through to the Zerner Farber deck. The process is fun, and the interpretations well done, if a bit wordy. However, all along the path here you are encouraged to get a more intensive reading - for which one forks over karma coins, of course.

The second option is the more intensive, karnma coin driven readings. Now - to be objective here, offers a free 15 day trial membership. All they ask for is your e-mail address, and all reading are free for those 15 days. There is an interesting array of reading focus for the karma coin readings: My Daily Reflection, Celtic Cross, Love Quest, Relationship, Career/Work, Money/Prosperity, Family, Self-Healing, a section on popular Tarot readings and a section called "look up any card" where the visiter can look up meanings to any of he cards in the Tarot. The charge varies from 5 karma coins to look up a meaning to 30-80 karma coins to receive a specific reading. Again - the process is fun, the interpretations well done, if a bit wordy.

There is also an option on this site to make arangements to receive a phone reading directly from Christine Payne-Towler, the face behind the Tarot text for Visionary Netoworks.

One interesting side note is that on this site there is the availability of keeping a Tarot journal. All readings go into a journal for future reference. An active proponent of journaling, I like this feature. (Yes, my friends, you can do the same thing by using copy/paste into a file of your own on your hard drive - but this is done automatically for you. Saves a little time.)

Visionary Networks also has an affiliate program that lays claim to starting to improving your site's fortunes *today*. You place a link button to on your site. In return, places a back button so that visiters can return to your site. If you have a non-Tarot site and want to offer this option, fine. If your site is about Tarot, common sense should prevail here. With the verbage on, the visiter has little incentive to return to your site. is a site that has a great deal to offer. The manner in which it is offered, and the constant totes of *authenticity* make this a thumbs down for me.

© Bonnie Cehovet
February 2000

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.