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Spiritual Dreams Keep Your Soul Alive ... Awakening The Hope In Us All ...

Spiritual Dreams, Spiritual Dreams,

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Spiritual Dreams

Spiritual Dreams are those inner feelings that at first you are unsure where they come from or how to deal with them.
Take some time to learn about yours and since all of us are unique in our own way it is an adventure that you will cherrish forever.

This web sites original intention was for my own personal Spiritual Dreams and a place for me to express them through my writtings and thoughts. For many years it has been a growth process that started from within and continues to this day.
When I was very young I knew I was "differant" than most others. Unsure of what this differance was made for a very confusing childhood and teen years. After many years of trying very hard to ignore this growing and strong feeling that was so deep within me I finally stopped trying to ingore it and just accecpt it.
When I started accecpting and stopped asking the infamous question many ask, "Why", things became much more clear and easy to understand. So from my early 20's until this day I continue to attempt to expand on this inner voice that is always with me. No, I don't hear voices, well not that I acknowledge at least. (Thats a joke so calm down and don't click off this site just yet)

This site has been "down" for a few years now and it's about time for a rebirth. I would be more than happy to post other peoples ideas, thoughts, poetry and in some cases mindless gab because I am cabale of all of that myself.

Many people have a very difficult time beleiving in any kind of power other than themselves. This site is mostley for those of us that do know there is much more to life than "me". If you have an open mind and an open soul then you may have a much better understanding of the inner workings of Spiritual Dreams.

Spiritual Dreams are what I am filled with and am very lucky to have such a gift. The balance and peace in which they bring are more than any amount of money can ever buy. No longer feeling "lost" and "alone" I am now and continue to become much closer to whatever it is that is guiding me. I chose to call it my Higher Power, however, you may call it anything you wish. Those living in darkness filled with unatural light of the truths they have made will judge me and others like me. That is really alright by me becasue I know in the end the true peace they have avoided and manipulated for all the years will be available to them. I am just fortunate enough to have my hand on it already which puts me a few steps closer, not better, than they are.

Enjoy your visit here and again I would be happy to post for you here. Comments are always welcome. Questions about my life, beleifs, paths I have followed and pretty much anything else are always welcome and I will try to answer them in as timely manner as possible.

If you enjoy your time here please tell others about Spiritual Dreams and pass the word. Thanks!!!!

get this gear!

Sign my GuestBook PLEASE ... anything really good in there may get posted here ...grin.. Thanks again!!

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