Jen's Page of Damn Near

Anything and Everything!!

My Favorite Things & People

Links to Cool Stuffs

Who the hell am I? - As if this homepage wasn't enough of a window into my whacked out world... here's a few details from those survey/e-chainletter things.
Lyrics - It's just what it says. It's lyrics to songs that I really like for one reason or another.
My Poems - From the ridiculously childish to whatever the hell it was I wrote in class last year.

Cool Chat : Lots o' People and Lots o' Fun - It's where everyone I know goes.
Wiccan Stuff - For those into that stuff

The Outer Limits - Another rockin show!!
A World Famous Blonde Joke - Do ya get it?
Wanna See Something Weird?

Funny Pages!!

... though i'm not entirely sure if they all work anymore...

Windows 2000?
TP? Y2K Compliant?
The Chicken Dance!!

By the way... Who's your daddy?!... Just out of curiousity. :-)

Nikki's Page - She's kinda this whacked out nutcase at my school... but the page is pretty decent.

Say what you want, but this band kicks ass!!

Thank you for visiting my rockin page! If ya wanna come back, I'm not gonna stop ya! :-)

(Doncha just LOVE lavalamps?)

Click Here to Email Me!!


These guys kick ass!! (Even if they don't exist anymore...) :-(