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[Xmas Decorations]

[Merry Christmas]

Santa's Grotto - Fun's The Motto

[Snow Scene]

[Xmas Decorations]

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Hello girls and boys of all ages. This year myself and Mrs Claus decided to build a network of web pages where all our children, of any age, can send us E Mails, or sign our Guestbook, and let us know what you would like this Christmas. I will personally reply to all messages.

Slim Jim has been very kind in letting us use his web site as one of the contact points and I think you will agree that his site is wonderful.

We have been very busy here in Toyland, preparing for Christmas, but we've had fun too.

One final thought, enjoy yourselves this Christmas but don't forget the real celebration, "The Birth of Baby Jesus" and remember all the less fortunate in the World, the poor, the hungry and those who have lost loved ones. Christmas can be a very lonely time. Will see you all while you're sleeping.

Merry Christmas.

Mr & Mrs Santa Claus.

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Page Originally Started: 22/11/1999
Webmaster: Santa Claus: santaandmrsclaus@eircom.net
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