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Nikki's Biography

   Hi. My name is Nikki Elois Moseley, and welcome to *Sexxie Productions*. Thanks for taking the time out to visit my little creation. I'm the infamous *Sexxie* you keep hearing about, 22 years old, a graduate from St. John's University, a wife to a wonderful man, mother to a very beautiful little girl, and devoted to my talents... poetry, and computers.

   My major was Computer Science, and I minored in business. I have been working with computers since I could remember. I have a lot of experience in programming languages, but I would love to learn more about computer graphics, desktop publishing, and I am always willing to learn more on the web designing side of things. My goal is to start my own business... possibly on the internet called... *Sexxie Productions* maybe? :-)

   *Sexxie Productions* is something that I decided to start about 2 years ago. I, of course, started it on my own... hoping that it will one day become a great success. This company is just something that I'm thinking about starting "for real" in the near future. I'm not really sure on what I want to do just yet. Maybe I'll start my own computer company... designing web pages, or maybe even start my own clothesline. I'm also putting into consideration of starting this company for teaching handicap kids the computer life, maybe owning my own daycare center, start a photography place, publish my own poetry works, etc. Who knows!! Got any suggestions?

   Well, it's time for me to go, but please enjoy my site. Send me any ideas that you may have. Thanks for visiting...



(Want to know more? Check out my profile under *Sexxie's Map* located on our home page!)