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This page is under construction... Constantly!

Hello, and welcome to my homepage. I am located in Knoxville, TN. As of 10/5/2002, I have started major reconstruction of my page to be completed by 12/01/02. Please check back after then!!PLEASE NOTE MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!

If you are looking to get in touch with my sister, Allison or my parents, please email me and I'll give you the information.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy what little I have here, but as I learn more about webpages and how I really want this page to look, it will change. I love to get email, even though it may take me a couple days to respond to them, so please write.

Want to chat live with me? Download the free ICQ from Mirabilis. When you get your internet #, send it, along with your username, to me in an email. Then you will get mine and if I'm online you'll see me there.

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Thanks for stopping by!!

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The material on this page are the responsibility of its author, not Angelfire Communications.