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Welcome to the Samurai Shodown Dojo!

it's me it's me Shoki!Welcome to the Samurai Shodown Dojo!I'm your host Shoki Kagetsu.I'll tell more about myself later.This site contains over 650 samurai shodown images and there's always more being added!And that's not counting all the mp3s,midis,winamp skins,wavs,movies,and other things in this place!Click on characters to go to a character selection page where u pick a character and then go to a shrine of that by clicking on him or her(or in kuroko's instance it...i think).The Shrine includes wallpaper,mp3s,Winamp skins,midis,movies,pictures,and all kindsa other crap not to mention information and links to other shrines.Click on the Site Map to go to a shorter version of the site w/o all the pictures and stuff.Click on Chat to go to the Samurai Shodown Chat!Click on Links to see many links about Samurai Shodown and other SNK games.Click on News to see my updates and SNK news and click on Misc to see my thanx to other people and how to contact me and stuff.Enjoy!