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1) Thou shall not piss off or annoy any regular (especially Isis)

2) Thou shall not take Blondies/Isis' name in vain (or any other regular)

3) Thou shall not scroll

4) Thou shall not flood

5) Thou shall not say stupid things

6) Thou shall not take Shawn Michaels name in vain

7) Thou shall not call people names such as "mark, or jabroni"

8) Thou shall not try and be cool by repeating a wrestlers gimmick. YOU ARE NOT THAT WRESTLER (example: candy ass, can you smell what the rock is cooking?, oh hell yeah, you piece of trash etc.)

9) Thou shall not ever argue with a regular (regulars are ALWAYS right)

10) Thou shall not do anything without expressed written permission from a regular

11) Thou shall not ask Blondie/Isis age/sex/location

12) Thou shall not message Blondie/Isis unless you already know her

13) Thou shalt not do stupid ass number surveys

14) Thou shalt not call steve a nugget because his nic is blackhart, he is NOT owen hart

15) Thou shalt not tell a reg they can not be in the room

16) Thou shalt have free and liberal use of the ignore button on the above three rules

17) Thou shalt talk about anything BUT wrestling whenever the hell we feel like it

(Note: All rules subject to change at ANY time WITHOUT written or proper notice! Depending on MY mood! LEARN THEM AND LIVE THEM!)