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Welcome to RAKAH's Home on the Web.

mIRC stuff
Movie Channel Site
Music Channel Site
General information

My Doll & Me
My Story

My Party

This is me
For the past many years I have made a reputation of myself in the internet realm. I started with simple programming and web page designing. Now.. well lets just say I do a lot. I am quiet well known on mIRC and among certain programmers and decoders. I have made a solid base on Indian movies and music. Please do visit my mIRC channel on IRCSupernet: #desi-movies.

Other than that I work. Full time as the Sales Manager for a retail store. Why is a puter-genius like me doing in sales? I'm good at it. :-)

I was married on the 4th of January, 2003 to the most amazing girl ever. I just can't explain how lucky I am to have her as my life partner. "Thank You God for my Doll".